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Penises for your werewolves are finally here!

It's taken a lot longer to complete this project than I expected, but I hope the wait is worth it. The werewolf penises were created using the Simple Penis 2.0 base, and combine the improvements from those penises with brand new handcrafted textures and meshes!

1) A range of soft and hard penises, including:

  • 6 soft human: 2 sizes (Medium/Large), each with 3 foreskin styles (Cut, Uncut, Retracted)

  • 2 soft wolf: 2 sizes (Medium/Large), each with and without veins

  • 4 soft sheathed: with protruding glans options (None, Human Cut, Human Uncut, Wolf)

  • 6 hard human: 2 sizes (Medium/Large), each with 3 foreskin styles (Cut, Uncut, Retracted)

  • 8 hard wolf: 2 sizes (Medium/Large), with two erection styles (Plain/Knot), each with and without veins

2) 6 Color Overlays, including 4 for all penis types, 1 for the human glans and 1 for the wolf glans. The color overlays can be found in the Body Skin Details section of CAS and are available in 10 swatches each.
3) A set of wolf pattern overrides which make the game's official coat patterns compatible with the penises. For each pattern, I've altered the design to incorporate the penis texture so there are no ugly edges or seams across the genitals. The pattern colors on the penis mostly match the pattern colors of the bare skin on the hands.
4) A Skin Detail enabler mod so you can access the penis color overlays. This optional additional file, located in a separate zip at the bottom of this post, enables Skin Details for werewolves in CAS (they're hidden by default). If you already use a mod that unlocks these details for werewolves, you don't need my mod.

All hard penises are compatible with WickedWhims' Body Selector system. Because WickedWhims doesn't allow you to select a soft werewolf penis, I recommend either installing one of my soft werewolf defaults (available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/soft-werewolf-110463042) or choosing one of the soft penises in CAS as an outfit for your werewolves.

Using a soft default makes it easier to choose a color overlay in the Skin Details section, but it's not required. If you install a soft default, the one you've installed is what will show up on your werewolf when you view the Skin Details.

Files included are separated by folder into required, recommended, and optional.

simdulgence_SimplePenisWerewolf_Base (REQUIRED)
Contains all base male werewolf penises.

The optional Skin Detail enabler mod is included in a separate zip.

1) Will you make the soft sheaths in other sizes?
I don't have any plans to do this right now.
2) Do the Smooth Sensations condoms work with the werewolf penises?
Yes, they're fully compatible (make sure to download the latest version of the condoms).
3) Are the penises compatible with the game's fur painting system?
Yes they are, but there is a caveat. In order to make all penises work with the color overlays, I utilized separate texture space for the soft uncut and soft sheath penises. This means that custom paint on the shaft, glans, and the space where the penis joins the body may not show up correctly on all penises (painting on the sides/front/back of the testicles should work).




Sean Olney

Thank you so much for these! They look amazing in game <3

Magestical Mysterium

I Love this, I cannot wait to see what my sims will look like with those size options (and styles for Humanoid genitalia...since I Prefer it)


I didn’t know I wanted this till I got it! Never been into occult sims but this is going to chance everything. Not sure if it possible but could we get a penis motion for when doing a werewolf run on all four?

Magestical Mysterium

Anyone who has ThePancake1's Colour Slider mod, should beware that these overlay textures seem to be compatible right out the gate, a nice bit of customisation for those people (by virtue of using Textures of the format LRLE Instead of RLE2)


Thank you for confirming this! I don't use that mod myself so I wasn't aware, but it's great that they work together with it.


I don't use them that much myself, but having this actually makes me more interested in them (I guess I'm shallow lol). And yes, that should be possible - I was actually just thinking about that yesterday! I wanted to check out the running in game but I couldn't seem to find the interaction; "Go here" just resulted in a normal jogging animation. Either way, I can probably find it in the game files and do an override for SimMotion for it!


so cool! would you consider separating out the wolf pattern overrides in the zip file? i use a werewolf pattern override that i really like & i don't mind hand-painting in cas to make it all line up