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Hiiii hahaha ok so the crazy hair is because I just did a funny video with orlin. And the stretch marks on my belly is just from water weight 😛😛😛 did you guys enjoy my nude weigh-in this week???




This weigh in definitely was fun! Loved it!! Nick, I also just bought some Indomie Spicy Fried Noodles, can't wait to try!


Yes! Love your nude weigh ins! I love that you just show the real you...no filters or photoshop or any of that fake stuff. And we will love you when you lose the weight too! Because we love YOU not your body! 😊❤️


I loved the devil hair 😂 and everything else you post. Its all ‘Brilliant’ I love it all. Thank you Nick ❤️🎉🌈🎉❤️ Love you 😘


I still can’t get over the hair. 😂


Would take a lot of photoshop heheh but thank you Glenda. Missed you from my live stream today!


Yes yes yes. You make my day everyday! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You definitely keep me from staying in a depression funk! ☺️ your awesome💯


Yes! I’m craving SWEET POTATOES OMG 😍😍😍


I absolutely love everything you post!! Your nude weigh ins are definitely a favorite though, lol. I love your confidence and positivity in your pictures and I just find you to be such a beautiful and fascinating person inside and out💖


Oh yes I totally enjoy your nude pics an weight-ins! It’s strange but you are part of my routine. It’s like every night I have a “date” with your crazy ass lol and I watch you and can relax from the day! You give me so much comfort because you are one stability in my life! Like a rock to hold on to. Love ya 😘


Love love love the weigh ins! The Fuck the scale pic was my absolute fav I have to admit! 💞


The hair is amazing it reminds me of the grandpa from the oldschool addams family show!


I really enjoyed your pics!! I love how you are. Just real!! I appreciate that!! Thanks nik :)


Why did the song do ya think I'm sexy by Rod Stewart just pop in my head. Lol


Your big and beautiful and you are owning it bitch! your seriously a queen!