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i had some really bad panic attacks today. if you read my previous post, you can see how sad i was and how helpless i felt. I still don't feel amazing about what happens to other gay people in this world, and it will always be a grim reminder of how fortunate I am to have been adopted to America. those are my brothers, ya know? the other gays out there in a world where many don't accept them... anyways, i listened to Enya music, lit a candle, and thought of how much i love orlin. I'll do my best to stay strong. 

PS - i blocked a girl who commented under the post that I was attacking her faith and said the reason gays are thrown off buildings is because, quote... "the countries are 3rd world so it's not their fault, and America has problems too" oh....ok... i lived in Colombia, a 3rd world country and they have legalized Gay Marriage, quite the opposite of what happens to gay people in Iran... both are 3 world countries so that was a weird response... i posted something so sensitive and personal about gay people and how they are mistreated in some middle eastern countries, and this "FAN" thought it was cute to let me know she felt attacked by that.... what??? is SHE the one executing homosexuals??? why bother saying anything in defense of that? what kind of supporter is this????  like i never said you can't be muslim?? i said i'm uncomfortable seeing muslim governments use their faith as justification for murdering their LGBT in 2020. and that's my stance for ANY religion that uses their beliefs to harm innocent lives. it's wrong! what was so hard about just denouncing it and comforting my tears and anxieties????  anyways, she's blocked. not cool. 




Love you sweetheart ❤️


We support you all the way Nik! What you wrote is totally on point and my heart breaks for the gay men and any women under Sharia Law. Keep your head up ♡


i will never understand people 🙄


I was literally just going to message you to see if you were ok. I can see you're not 💔 I didn't see what this girl wrote. Please try get yourself in a better state of mind ❤🧡💛💚💙💜


Hey Nick All you wanted was some comfort from your Patreon family. Some people never know when to Shhhhhh ☺️ I am so grateful to your mum and dad for adopting you.and bringing you home. I love them as much as I love you because they chose you ❤️❤️❤️ Love to you and Orlin 🤗🤗


Dont let her words ruin your day. We know where your heart was on that post. Much love ❤


Nick, It has never occurred to me to be homophobic, nor upset at other people's choice in who they love. It makes no sense to me, and never will. I was raised as a strict Catholic (which I know you know all too well), and some of the doctrines just didn't sit right with me the older I got. So I became an humanist. I believe in other humans. The beauty, power and creativity of fellow humans. It's my duty to honor those things in other people, and contribute to the world in intentional ways. This is the only chance I get. When I'm gone, I'm gone. I hope that will have loved as hard as I could, as long as I could, and showed dignity and honor to other humans. That's why it makes no sense to me to hate anyone based on an impossible to change trait. I would love to hear more about the love and softness you and Orlin share. I think you can take time to be an example of a loving gay couple who wants the world to see that love doesn't come in one singular package. Sending loving and light vibes to you this evening. <3


I am glad you are feeling better. We love and support you Nik ! ❤️❤️❤️ P.S You made the right choice . Nobody should be attacking you on here.


Stay strong Nik, I know you will...some people are so insensitive, a little love, understanding and empathy go a long way! Hope you’re feeling better soon, this can be such a cruel world...much love to you and Orlin 🥰🥰


Love you nick , stay strong !


Some people think they always need to have an input smh, much love to you though❤️


You are such a sweetheart, I love being a part of this community 🥰 Love you xoxoxo


You keep your chin up Nick, you are 110% correct on this matter. No innocent person should be tortured in those ways, and it's horrible. That comment just goes to show you how much religion first-hand twists some people and how they think. Just because it's another country/religion shouldn't mean excluding that terrible behaviour, 3rd world or not, whatever reason they were giving... It's still immoral and wrong on all levels. Also much love to you and orlin, I just saw you uploaded that ghost pepper challenge, hope it didnt cause too much pain! xxx


Just remember that you have so many people who love and support you on this platform!! Sending lots of love and hugs your way!


Maybe she should read up on the situation. Then if still ok with what is still going on then she must be in on the terror. I kno what its like to have emotions and I'm sorry that your having anxieties i hope your evening is better.


I can't believe someone even commented that


When I read that people were still being beheaded for "witchcraft" I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. For WITCHCRAFT. I shit you not. It's fucked up. Just let people be as long as they are not hurting anyone let them live their best life and leave them the fuck alone


Glad to hear you're feeling a little better. Unbelievable that a 'fan' would say that to you, disgusting. Sending love ❤


I completely agree with u Nik on all accounts. There are horrible corners of our planet - of which I’m grateful I am not a part of in any way. Look for the beauty and wonder in life and love and be in that place. Hope you are not in too much pain after that ghost pepper vid! Yikes!! 🥵 Monster hugs to u and Orlin!! Xoxo


If you ever want to talk, I'm here.


Hey Nick, I’m glad that you feel a bit better, I know you feel helpless I do too, I wish we could just go there and overpower them to stop doing such barbaric, dark ages shit to those who just want to love and be loved, they didn’t choose to be gay, just like others don’t choose to be straight, it’s so unforgiving that this is happening in the 21st century!!, how can most countries move forward but they don’t? What makes them stay in logic from 2000 years ago? it doesn’t make sense!! anyway don’t worry about that girl, at least she’s gone and you don’t have to listen to her again!! we have to live with the hope that Iran and other such barbaric nations change or else we’d go crazy, keep your chin up and keep loving Orlin and fighting for your equal rights always!


PS. Just finished watching the cheetos video. You called me out. Made my night. Thank you for all the effort you put into your work ❤❤❤


Happy you are feeling better. 🤗❤️ It’s always good to know how to self-soothe.


Terrible. I don't understand all the hate. Why hurt people because they choose to live life differently than you do. Hope you are feeling better.


I’m glad you’re feeling a little better! I absolutely love enya, “return to innocence,” is my go too song whenever I need to just zen out for awhile. I’m so sorry that girl said that stuff, I read her comment when she posted it and it made me roll my eyes immediately. I hope so much you had a great night and slept well! All my love and light 💖✨💖✨


Glad to see you’re using your platform for good ❤️ would love to hear your thoughts on the new Supreme Court justice and the too real fear she will take away gay marriage rights and women’s rights...


Only people that are fucking out of the minds will go as far as to pay to be a dick to someone so that alone tells you who you were dealing. You have many people that love and care about you that you don’t have room for the hate. Weed those suckers out bc they are bad for your soul! On another note keep up the great work and keeping relatable this is why your true fans love you 😘❤️


So excited to be a part of your patreon family.I have been a long time silent fan and just recently started to comment on your videos. Anywho thank you for all your hard work and dedication to your fans. Love,light,prayers and positivity coming your way. Krazymommaof3


I’m so sorry you are feeling such horrible emotions. Hate in this world is the worst and I wish everyone could just love everyone for who they are. I know it’s easier said than done, but don’t let that negative person ruin your beautiful spirit. You have such a great heart and watching you makes everyone’s day, even if they wanna hate they still love it and live for your videos everyday on a schedule lol 😉 💞