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Sorry this video is so sad :( UGH, just not feeling very happy. and I'm so triggered from seeing my old pics. FUCK!!!!!


Crying about Orlin & having a meltdown

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Sorry you are feeling so sad Nick. Makes me so sad to see you like this too. Sending you and Orlin lots of love and I hope he feels better soon ❤️


Hi hon... I’m sad that you’re sad. There are definite difficulties for u and Orlin by leading this lifestyle. And yes, at some point you will be ready to get healthier. You and Orlin will do that together I’m sure! Hang in there Nik! Hugs to you!!


babe... dont be upset... everything in life works itself out.. what u think is serious today becomes tomorrows " no big deal" looking back.. we all feel the past is a learning lesson... just be gentle with urself.. change what doesnt work.. and keep a sense of humor about stuff.. love u


I wish I could hug you and tell you it’s going to be ok in person. I personally don’t look at the outside of a person, I look at the inside. And you have not really changed. You are the same Nick I loved watching from the beginning. If you feel not happy in your body you will loose weight when you are ready. But do it for you and on your terms and never ever for other people . You are already awesome from the inside that’s all that matters. I hope Orlin will be ok and I’m sorry to hear what he is going through. I send you both warm hugs from California!!!! Keep your head up high! Life is beautiful Nick. Enjoy it!


I’m so sorry baby, you’ve been talking for awhile now that you’re ready for a change and I hope that things turn around for the better. My dad died the same way on a work trip when I was 14, had a bad week n ate too much blue bell ice cream and he collapsed in the bathroom and that’s where the hotel maids found him the next day. Open bottle of aspirin on the countertop. I’d love to see you both pick up weight lifting or even kettle bells in the home. Personally I think it’d be super funny if you both just took up power lifting and got ripped in 6 months!


People don't realize how much blood sweat and tears go into what you do. You work your ass off and there is a dark side to it. I really hope you figure it out. I've been a big fan since you first started youtube and I look forward to your videos and relate and laugh...I have weight issues to and it's painful and alot of people don't get it. This will pass and I hope you keep your head up, Sending positive vibes and love your way ❤️


Yo nik! You probably should’ve tried to take Orlin to the hospital if it’s that serious & I’m only saying that cause it doesn’t sound good & it made me concerned of Orlin & don’t want you to lose him. Wishing you the best!


Since I'm now one of your patrons, please tell me what is wrong with Orlin? I have twin sisters and one of them has Crohn's disease and so far has had three surgeries. She also has auto-immune reactions to food. But I'm sorry to say - Orlin's 'reactions' do not fit into any medical criteria. What is wrong with him? And please answer in direct, strict medical terms a doctor has diagnosed him with. I have followed your journey since 2016... what is wrong with Orlin? Is it psychological?


I think all of us just want to know. As people with empathy.


Full transparency - I have a chin implant and had lipo to my chin. Let me know if you want info on that.


And now I feel bad 😢 Since you're so honest. Just tell what the f* is wrong with Orlin - it stresses me. ( Am I doing Patreon wrong or can we talk here directly?) I don't want to come across as an idiot mean person to you Nick.


I just watched his treadmill video after commenting on your previous post, and he specifically says he’s not gonna be responding on here. You have to pay $5 on cameo to message him and get a response. If everyone here had questions he would spend 0 time making new content


I’m so sorry, nick! I hate to see you so sad!! I think you’re such a beautiful person inside AND out! I’m a mother of 5 and all my life I was a skinny woman staying around 130 pounds. However, once my 5th kid came, ive been stuck at 215 so I know how it feels for the sad feelings to all of a sudden hit about your weight, and it sucks so bad and I hate that you’re dealing with it too. Just please try to remember how many people love you and see and appreciate the true beauty that is you! You’ll always be my most favorite YouTuber and I can bet that most of the people here feel the same way💖💖💖💖💖


Yeah I don't think Nick saying what Orlins illness is the right thing to do. If Orlin wanted people to know he would tell us himself. The point your missing out on is that Nick is upset and feels bad that Orlin collapsed and he feels guilty. Orlins medical history isn't any of our business


Hope Orlin is feeling better and had a good night's sleep. Hugs hun. It's not easy but hopefully this can be a place where you can post your feelings good or bad and you feel safe doing so. Hope today is a little better for you both 💞💞


Aw I love you sweetheart ❤️ you’re a strong wonderful person and I can relate on a lot of things you’re talking about. I hope orlin is feeling better ❤️


I would love to see them still doing mukbangs but with smaller portions and healthier food, with some junk now and then mixed in of course, and more exercise in videos. A middle ground between oversized portion junk and strict fruit/plant/vegan only. Something sustainable long term. It may get less clicks, but you can't do much with clicks if you're hospitalized or god forbid passed away! The talking and story times are what I love the most and they could do that with healthier food. Would love to see the weight loss transformation over the weeks


Nik I totally understand your feelings. I’m in the upper 300s and feel like crap and my double chin is what bothers me the most! I too look at old pictures (when I thought I was fat) and wish I could be “fat” like that again. Definitely don’t wait too long once you hit 30 because trust me once 40 hits it gets sooo much harder lol. We are all here because we love you and just want to see you happy. So whatever that takes is what you should do and your true fans will still love and support you through it! Love and prayers for Orlin too and I hope he is feeling better today. ❤️


I am so sorry Nik. Sending love and light to you and Orlin. Stay strong and remember the amazing person you are and how much joy you bring to us.


“I’m a Taurus, Taurus loves to eat”....yeah my boyfriend is a Taurus...chef who literally loves to eat so much....has a crazy good metabolism too 😒. Anyway... hope orlin feels better..love you Nik!




We are all here for your quirky personality and funny story times it doesn’t matter what you eat. All this junk food is just making you get bigger and bigger and more depressed. Your content is amazing with or without the junk food. Do what you feel is best for you but no matter what you choose we are still going to be here. I personally miss the older content with you when you were much healthier and seemed much happier. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sweetheart it's not the food, it's YOU which people watch. Also, check out Paleo it cuts ot all the preservatives in food and makes such a difference. You probably felt better after this, but it's your charm which got you here.


w/o food, people will still watch you Nik. additionally, you are smart, know the algorithm and what gets views.


Probably shouldn't have watched this after Orlin smacking the shit out of you, because my first impression was: fuck Orlin, he isn't a baby and he can choose what he wants to eat. It isn't your fault if he binges, it also isn't your fault when he goes whacko because he's eating 6 grapes and half a kiwi to feed a 280 lb body.


I hate how he blames you for the circumstances of his life when he puts himself in them. Then has the audacity to call YOU a "man child"... I love you Nik and whatever goals and dreams you want to pursue there will be people cheering you on through it. Maintain mukbangs as long as you're comfortable making that $$$ but don't feel like they are all you are. Everyone here knows you're more than an eating show.


My heart goes out to you sweetie. Your a person with feelings. Seeing you cry was so hard to watch because you try so hard . I'm a Taurus Gemini cusp and the Taurus side of me loves food. I hope your feeling more positive today. 💞😊


Whose gonna tell Orlin that noodles have eggs in them and so does bread


I honestly would watch you no matter what.... we're here watching you and you haven't ate a single thing in this video. I think a lot of your viewers would continue watching because of just the person you are. Orlin has to learn to have his own self control if he wants to change. Life is full of temptations....he can't keep using that as an excuse to not keep with it....deep down he must not be ready because that's when excuses are made


Tell us what the problem with Orlin is?


By twin sister has Chron's decease. Telling what is wrong should not be any secret. Health conditions are part of life. Tell us what is the problem with you and/or Orlin.


you all are so stressed just to make your followers happy Nck you got to make yourself happy not every one else love ya both dear!