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Hey!!! Ok so this is for my $24 a month Patrons, but I'm gonna let everybody vote because I've noticed a lot of you guys are increasing your pledges already, sometimes the same day, like you change your mind or something (thank you so much for that btw, wow!!!). So vote below which time works better for you! Since it's our first live stream and it's also introductory, I wanna be sure I can give you an entire 1 full hour. :) If neither times work for you, I do apologize , but it would be impossible to match everybody's schedules, so I have to choose between the most popular. In the future, Live Streams will most likely be random and you'll get notified with an Email from Patreon when I'm live... So make sure you have email alerts to your phone!!!



Although my kid loves watching you (he's 6) I gotta make sure he's not around for your patreon videos 😬 im central time but the later the better for me, although I'd kick his ass out of the room if need be 🙃😂😂


also, for anyone who doesn’t know, patreon has an app and will notify you directly as well :)


Think about us in the different time zone.


Yay!! So excited!!


Rip European people 🙏🏻


Girl idc what time you want to let me know just know I need to know and looking at my account I think I need to upgrade


Omg if I finally catch a live I’ll cry lmao


High key excited to be a Patreon - first time ever with Nik! 🍒 Cancelled Netflix for Nik.


Anyone know if it will be better to use the app or use the website for the live?


I never got a notification, no livestream nothing tonite...what happened 😡😩


Can the $16 tier not get the livestream? What’s the difference between the $8 and the $16 dollar tier?? If it’s the same thing might as well go to the 8