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Hey fam,

So many of you heard on YouNow.... one of you guys leaked my video from last week by uploading it to YouTube.... 

Honestly.... I've been emotionally sickened by this... and very unsure of what to do... It's also bringing lots of questions into my life such as 

"Who did this?" "why?" 

"do I have stalkers pledging me here?....I have many internet stalkers, and even other youtubers who are obsessed with me.... did they come over here too?" 

"Why do many of my 'Patrons' have fake names?" "I can't tell who is a real identity and who is not a real identity."

"Is my charge too low, to the point where just anybody will pledge?" 

"But if this is one of my crazy stalkers, raising my entry fee probably won't effect them." 

"Most YouTuber's start their pledges at like $5 or even $10." "Is that for good reason? Would a hater actually pay up to $10 a month to learn more about somebody? Maybe Yes, Maybe No"

"I don't want to raise my entry fee because I wanted this to be affordable for everybody... but maybe that defeats the purpose of "special content"... it's not special if everybody can have it."

"How do I find out who did this?"

"Should I worry for my safety?"

"Should I still do my house tour and my neighborhood tour?.... after all.... I live in the top 15 most dangerous countries in the world.....I don't need somebody seeing the layout of my home....my family" 

"what do I do now?"


My mind is just .... ugh.... I'm mind-fucked. Please, please, PLEASE do not download my Patreon videos. Please do not upload them to other places. That defeats the purpose of me having this special platform. I now feel a little insecure and worried about posting more personal things here. 

I will be uploading the video to my own YouTube channel today to get ahead of the snowball effect that will come from this. It's not something I wanted to do, but I think it's the best decision. YouTube will not take serious reports about a video that doesn't at least have a thousands views.... and I really don't want to wait that long. 



I'm so sorry to hear this nick. :( how terrible.


😢 people suck.


😢 I hate people


Wow! What a sick individual to up load your video from here..so sorry they did that to you. Maybe you can compare names on here to youtube accounts and see which ones match and just maybe you can figure out who did it. I really hope you don't raise your fee, I would have to stop it if you do and I really like helping you and Orlin, even if it's only $1.00. Hope you and Orlin are doing better with each other.


I agree people suck. Why would someone do that? Is it because there jealous of you, mad at you cause you didn't pay attention to them? This is to confusing for me. I will still support you if you do have to raise the price but I hope you don't have too. Stalkers be gone. Nick don't need you in his life. Love you nick and orlin


That's really shitty, so sorry to hear this upsetting news Nik. I'm sure you have a list of your usual suspects - I would advise not to do house tours if it puts your safety/Orlin's safety at risk until you get to the bottom of this. I know you hate to charge for a shoutouts and what not since you follow all your fans on twitter but maybe come up with a unique twist of what you can do on patreon that you wouldn't be able to do on another social network. Keep breathing... collect your thoughts and you would bounce back @Petz415


Yes, maybe. A lot of people pointed it out it could've been somebody from our YouNow sessions, out of spite for me not answering their questions.


That’s scary! Can you contact Patreon, maybe they have a way to track who it could be? Whoever did his has too much time on their ha


Wow wtf people are so stupid 🙄🙁😞


I am fuming that someone did this. I think for your safety you should refrain from being so open here. It sucks for everyone here who truly love you and support you but your well being and a good frame of mind is more important. I went on a google search trying to see if there were some way to keep Patreon content secure and safe from being downloaded etc. and this lead me down a rabbit hole where I found all sorts of leaked Patreon creator's content even Trisha's nasty $100 tier content was leaked. So it seems to happen no matter how high the prices are set. I am here to support you no matter what you decide to do and I know a lot of us do but there's always going to be someone who will be hiding and lurking around because frankly this is the internet. Perhaps there is a way for you to have your own website that requires a password for a select few where you can post more personal things but I'm not certain if you're wanting to go that route. Regardless of what you do I am on board to give you a shoulder, a hand, a smile, a hug, a dollar, $10 whatever. I'm here for ya. But more importantly be wise, listen to your instincts and stay safe. Love you! ❤


This sucks, whats worse is im not much surprised. Online dinguses always have to poop on the party. Really tho petty people need to get a life


I can't believe someone would do this to you. Its just awful and I'm sorry some one would be so evil


I would never have thought someone would pay to troll :( This is a heart-breaker.


I'll support you no matter what. Drats. I was actually looking forward to the house tour, but safety first......always.


This makes me sad. People are terrible. It's like showing someone your diary and them taking pictures of it and posting them on FB. I am sorry you are going through this Nick. I was happy that you found a platform that you could be yourself. I hope this person gets the fuck out.


I'm sorry about all of this. I know for some people $1 is like pennies to others. About fake names.. Recently I changed my name here to initials because I realized anonymous people (like the person who does things like this) can see it. I use lots of fake names online for preventing any unneeded risks not for mischief. And I think many people are the same. It was nice move for you to publish the video to the public.


I’m really sorry this happened to you Nick... the past couple of months I have been dealing with a cyber bully and have had to use different online names, as you know, as a precaution and way to protect myself. So I know exactly how you feel when you say you feel “mind fucked”. I would completely understand if you raised your patron fees, you are very kind hearted and want everyone to be able to join but once one person takes advantage they unfortunately end up ruining it for the rest of the people. After what has happened to me, I don’t think you can put a price on online security. Chin up, happy days are ahead. Love you Nick.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you. To be honest, I'm pissed. To enter what is clearly a safe haven and try to destroy it is a disgusting act. Going forward I would definitely understand and respect you doing whatever you have to do to, whether that is raising fees, speaking less openly about things here, etc. Whatever you can do to stay as safe and secure as possible is what you should do. I wish I could offer more advice but all I can do is hope that the punches stop rolling in, and pray for your safety. ❤️


That’s horrible that someone would do that to you nick!


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I think it's terribly evil that someone would pay money to help you and then go around to stab you in the back. Having said that, I think it speaks a lot (positively) to your character that you aren't changing your patreon accessibility requirements because of this. You are so loving, trusting, and strong, and I really hope that good karma is coming your way.


Can’t beleive someone did that to you, so sick that a hater will still pay to see stuff you say. So weirdly obsessed with being an asshole. It’s fucked up. We love you Nick!