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Trying to balance 3 channels while this deportation is going on is very stressful on me and my family. Only looking for support and love. Thanks fam. 


Relationship & Life Update



Hey boo. I'm sorry you and Orlin are not getting along but I know you guys will get through it together. You have a very strong bond and obvious devotion to one another. Stay positive. We love u guys


I pretty sure I accidentally commented in the wrong place.. Hopefully you get it!


Hey hun, I'm sorry you and orlin aren't getting along. Everything will be just fine. Just take it one day at a time. It's okay to have a bad day. And nothing is your fault or orlin's fault. If you need anyone to talk to I'm here for you both. Love you lots nick


I'm so sorry you are going thru this , just know that there are people out here who do care about you,


Its not uncommon for stressed couples to put blame on eachother but from an outside perspective you both sacrificed a lot to play by the visa rules. Maybe the gov at fault can feel a bit abstract, its impersonal, etc. yet you both are made to suffer so very personally. Take good care of yourself<3


Hang in there u will get through it!!! 💪


I am sorry you having a bad time but things in your life will get better just take it one day at time I And remember you are loved by lots of people and we care about you !


Hang in there guys, just remember you are both in this together and at the end of it all you have one another, it's understandable to start blaming each other but never forget you two are fighting for the same thing and the same end result. Love you!


When Orlin walked in I was shooketh


Hope everything goes better for you nick even dough we don't no each other we are here for you don't mind the haters there full of crap


I’m sorry you feel like that and you feel nobody is there physically to talk to. I hope you guys work it out Bc in hard times like these , you guys gotta let go of any grudges and blames And try to be there for each other. I know it’s easier said than done. But hope everything works out for you and your family. I know you don’t know me but if you need someone to talk to, feel free to contact me.


Nick, it's no ones fault but that Country you live in. You both need to stop blaming each other. This is the time y'all relationship is going to be tested big time, prove to yourself that y'all relationship is real. I've been your supporter on you tube since the beginning and you two have a beautiful relationship that most of us would die for, remember how it felt when y'all were separated y'all hated that, it's time to appreciate each other, love on each other, push this deportation aside(I know hard to do) and put up Christmas decorations and get into the Holiday mood and maybe that will cheer you both up. Always remember thier is always someone out there that has it worse then you. You can hit me up whenever if you need to talk.


😘 keep your head up ......


oh hunni im so sorry. im going through a lot of issues too lately. it sucks. i cant imagine going through what you are. but these are times you gotta be strong together. love you so much and im always here for you <3


The extreme challenge you are going through would unsettle any relationship. I hold positive thoughts that the love you and Orlin have for each other will heal the rift you are feeling. Hugs!


I have never been in your shoes so I will never be able to truly understand what you're going through, but I do know that you and Orlin have been through so much together and it seems to me that every test has made your bond stronger. Sending good thoughts toward both of you. This deportation fiasco will pull you away from each other physically, so it is crucial that you don't pull away from one another emotionally. I know that is easier said than done, and I am not the best at giving advice, but I would try focusing on the small things. The inevitable is the inevitable. It's happening no matter what and sounds like it is kind of out of your hands. What you do in the few remaining moments until then is different. A disaster like this is overwhelming, but putting energy into the little things that aren't that scary can help put things into perspective. Sorry for the long message. Best of wishes always. ❤️


Im so sorry Nic. Please try to stay positive. Sending Love and Hugs and Prayers that Everything going on gets better Soon!💙💜


I am so very sorry you are going through such a difficult time. The uncertainty of the situation would put a strain on the strongest of relationships. All marriages go through difficult times it’s in those times that you really find out a lot about one another. The key is communication and understanding. Stress can do strange things to people and you are both under tremendous amounts of stress. Learning to empathize with your spouse is something that will go a long way to being able to work together and support one another. Because right now you really need one another. The two of you are the only ones who really know what you are going through. When you are in the middle of something really difficult it’s hard to see it’s end. Fear turns to anger and frustration and we tend to lash out at those we love the most. There is just the two of you there so you take it out on one another. Each of you is hurting but dealing with it separately. If you can empathize with each other and appreciate your different view points you can learn to comfort one another and work together. You can’t change what happened but you can change what happens next. I’ll be praying for you both! I know the love you have for one another will help you find a way to work things out, and you will come out on the other side of all of this stronger! Hugs 🤗 💙