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Let's be real about this situation.

Here are my thoughts, for those of you who follow my Twitter. 

Enjoy the mukbang! 


Tea Time ☕️ My Reaction to Trisha Paytas (My Honest Thoughts) • MUKBANG



She could have 10 mil views, but she still isn't as good as you.


Nick, calling her bipolar is an insult to me who actually has bipolar disorder. I would never treat someone the way she treated you. Please educate yourself before you throw around the word "bipolar." That being said, I'm still a fan and understand how you feel.


I didn't call her bipolar disorder, I said her actions are bipolar, meaning they change abruptly. I don't need to educate myself on the definition of bipolar, which is "having or relating to two poles or extremities." Used in an example sentence: "a sharply bipolar division of affluent and underclass." You are taking the word bipolar and thinking that I'm talking about "bipolar disorder," which are two different things. Bipolar is just a word to describe changes. Thanks for the support!!!


i feel like orlin is holding you back on your diet... he seems like a feeder and feels so insecure on what he eats so he wants others around him to eat the same or more.... i think thats why he makes you so much food or adds hidden fats and stuff.... a friend used to do that because she was so insecure about her weight and how much she ate....


Nick, maybe you can try putting coconut oil on your rash, just make sure your face is clean before. Orlin, you crack me up all the time, I love your sense of humor.


Maybe you are allergic to something in that role of paper towel you use for napkins? I got a rash on my hands from paper towels at work. Aloe Vera is good for skin issues.


I think you do amazing. You're genuine and I love everything you do. I think she may just be kinda too deep into youtube and she thinks the drama will create profit for her. thank you for not being in it for the money and caring about us!


im almost fluent in Spanish I've been learning it for like 6 years and id love to maybe be able to come visit Columbia for an abroad program and meet you and mr noodle!


Can Orlin maybe make a recipe video fpr this on here? Or youtube or anywhere haha Omg. It looks so good. I want a big bowl right now and I have no clue how to make it haha


I would love the recipe for the beans and rice you are eating! It looks so good!


What was the comment she said about you?


I stopped watching her like 9 months ago. I just cant stand what kind of person she is. Shes not nice. Thats why i watch you, orlin and Shane Dawson, you guys are both genuine!


I think the mark on your face is something you need to put a cream on externally if it’s not clearing up on it’s own..maybe a steroid or allergy medicine. So maybe you do need to make a trip to the drs office..but I know you hate the drs..so hopefully it clears up on it’s own in time. :)