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-Scheduled Post-

If all is going according to plan, I should be at the airport when this posts! I hope y’all enjoy the regularly scheduled updates while I’m out of town! If you don’t hear from me for the next week and a half, that’s a good thing. (jK I’ll probably be more active to bug you all in the comments as These scheduled posts come out!) Plus, I have to monitor these posts even on vacay because the links will need to be updated as they’re published. I considered just taking the week off of updates while I was away, but thought better of it. I hope y’all enjoy my break as much as I do be cause you still get updates and I get to not draw for a week and a half lmao

I’ll be back and busy as ever October 18th! (Comics will stay on their regular schedule until then, don’t worry!)

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We think about them kissing all the time too!


Ain’t just kissing they’re thinking about 🥵