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There’s so much to unpack here.

Dagger ONLY being 1 ft taller than Dakota, officially making him the smallest AND biggest PC I have. (His wolf form is 11’2” - not including how we now know he CANONICALLY CAN GET BIGGER between forms, points at the most recent rogue WIP Page)

His god awful grin. Idk. Thats what he wanted for the full body. I can’t control my characters, man, they just tell me what to do.

‘Him playing the worlds rudest air guitar with thE WRONG FUCKING HAND?? (He’s right handed dkdjdjd)

Dakota being cute and perfect and ignore the parts I forgot to erase and IGNORE THE FEET FOR NOW






Im talkin full on watermelon-in-the-thighs level carnage 😩


I want Dagger’s thighs. I also want a man WITH Dagger’s thighs. Is that so much to ask.