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Francis puts up with so much.

WELL, it’s gonna be late. I’ll have most of the final page finished before the engagement dinner tomorrow, but not fully ready for publishing so, I’ll just give Patreon what I get done before I leave. I’m gonna be straight with you guys, k definitely got distracted this month, and this week was WORSE THAN USUAL for sleep (4 hours sleep per night MAX, worse) and the sleep migraine is putting me to bed early tonight. The trade off for Eli being at school during the day is: me getting up at 5 to get us both ready, leave at 6:30 to fight morning traffic, drop him off, then not get back til 8:30-9. Which gives me 5-6 hours of uninterrupted work time, as opposed to the 1-3 hours without distractions I’m Used to, it’s not a lot, but it’s more than I had so I’m using It! just have to get used to the leaving the house twice a day and wasting  stupid amounts of time in school traffic but it’s still an improvement lmao

AND I STILL HAVE TO SHOWER AND PACK HIS LUNCH BEFORE BED goodnight y’all, here’s to have a better day tomorrow, and hopefully having better success with fully utilizing this new work day routine next week. AND MAYBE EVEN DO MY COMIC SHIT EARLY so I can work on… my distractions lmao



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