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IMPORTANT: If you buy a design, WAIT FOR ME TO INVOICE YOU PLEASE! Don’t just send me the money as soon as you confirm, thank you!

YEAH, HOPE IS THE BINARY SUNSET, how could I resist.

I’ll be on and off here for most of the day, so DM me and I will confirm with buyers when I have time!

You must DM me, payment ready, to claim one! I will edit this post as soon as a design has been claimed. You will receive full res PNG’s of your design once purchased. Do not comment to claim - DM’s only!

“Eos”: OPEN ($85 USD)

”Hope”:  CLAIMED ($90 USD)

“Cyrus”: CLAIMED ($90 USD)

Early Access Sale ends TOMORROW. Leftover design(s) will then be opened and sold to public.

Thanks everyone! Be fair!




The horns coloring on all of these is exquisite


They’re so pretty 🥺💕