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okay this is important! Please read!

first off: I was trying to play super speedy catch up with comms and late rewards that accumulated over the holidays this month, AND I WAS DOING THAT, BUT! I gotta let you guys know when things come up that could cause delays, so here we go.

1.) Most of You who follow my Twitter/tumblr already know that Elias and I got sick this week, so I’ve been slower these past few days. Still doing 5am mornings, and still Working on what I can, just. Slower. lol. I took him to the doctor yesterday and he tested positive for strep, AND he has an inner ear infection AND PINK EYE. IN BOTH EYES. 😨💀 So, I’m trying To maneuver around that as best as I can, but he does require a bit more attention than usual. 

2.) Remember that “Introduction” episode I was wanting to work on while I took a hiatus for the prologues, but the. Never actually got around to finishing it? WELL, here’s the thing. Theres going to be a little promotional thing happening in a couple of weeks that - actually, I don’t know if I’m allowed to say, so I’ll be vague - but basically it’s gonna kinda sorta be good for getting Lucky! Out to fresh new eyes BUT THE THING IS, if I want this story to be taken seriously so I can increase the opportunity of people wanting to support it and/or fund it or pick it up, I need those first three episodes to be done. Aka I’m gonna gun it to finish Ep25 this weekend to meet my monthly quota of two updates for $$$ AND between now and Feb. 9th, I have to commit to finishing the Introduction Episode. Which is not to say Im Putting a pause on comms and rewards completely so much as I want to let you guys know in advance why it might seem like I’m being particularly slow with those, but still Posting lucky stuff here. Like I mentioned a few months back, the ultimate goal is to pivot into making Lucky! My main gig, and keep comms and Patreon as my side hustle. And i was hesitant to go full gear into episode mode these next few weeks because i need to get more comms out of my queue,  but i got a trusted second opinion, and as long as you guys are okay with being a little more patient with my mess, I’m gonna take the leap. 

ANYWAY I am very tired and very sick, and I hate being so so so slow with art, but a webtoon mutual showed me a cool bucket tool on CSP that’s been helping me get my flats done faster, so maybe if I decide to stick with it, I’ll share that asset here for other CSP users? Thanks for all the support guys! Sorry this is a little unorganized jdjdjdk 




Do what you gotta do! Take the time you need and I hope the little one feels better soon.