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I knew today was coming but I didn’t have a whole lot of time to create something new or host an event for you guys today, so the best I can manage right now is renovating this account for more active use! I got through highs and lows on Patreon, as many of you know, and I’m currently coming out of a rut and burning through comms and overdue rewards for this month, but I do need to talk about a couple of changes and why I’m implementing them. 


It’s because of you guys and the support I’ve gained through Patreon that I’ve even been able to pursue my dream of creating and continuing a Webcomic. Lucky! used to just be a pipe dream of mine, and because of your help, this past year I’ve finally been able to take my first real steps in making it more of a reality. It’s no news that my Endgame Goal is to be able to work on Lucky! full time, by whatever means necessary, and while that’s still a long way in the future, you all have given me the first real taste of what that could be like this year. Thank you for making my dream feel a little more attainable! I’m so grateful and overwhelmed by everyone’s continued support, even through the slow periods on my end. 

And on that note, let’s talk about some plans for my Patreon starting in December!

Rewards Tiers

If you’re in my rewards tiers, it’s also not news to you that I’ve been running behind on delivering rewards each month. I Enjoy getting to draw everyone’s fun OC’s and creative ideas every month, its never really been a matter of not having the drive to get the work done so much as its turning out to be a difficult schedule to juggle. The hard truth is, despite how far you guys have brought this page, I still have to take commissions on the side to pay living expenses and such, which makes it tricky to juggle rewards, and comic updates on top of all of that. It goes without saying that if I promoted my Patreon more, and got commissions through here instead, I could eventually bring it up to speed and level the playing field, BUT AS OF RIGHT NOW, I do feel that Im overwhelming myself with ”cheaper” commissions through some rewards tiers. The honest truth is: I just didn’t expect to get so many people to pledge in the rewards tiers, so in The beginning, it was okay to do a couple of half price minis/busts each month. But now, it’s getting difficult to manage again and I hate that you guys have to wait on me to play catch up every month. 

So, I’ve made some changes that will take effect in December. If you’ve talked to me about ”saved Patreon credit” Prior to this, you can still use that credit, and I am currently working to catch up on owed rewards for the past two months or so, so this doesn’t apply to anyone right now. And I understand if these changes may cause you to rethink your pledges and drop them in the upcoming months. Don’t feel bad! Im so so so grateful for all of the support, and I know sometimes changing my prices or rewards stipulations won’t always fit in some people’s budgets, and it’s really just to help me balance out my workload, so if you have to lower or cancel your pledge completely, please don’t hesitate or feel like you need to apologize! I will still deliver any rewards I may owe you, for this and previous months!

$20 Tier Changes

1 Mini/Bust every TWO months, instead of monthly.

$50 Tier Changes

1Mini/Bust every month OR 1 Waist Up every TWO months

$100 Tier Changes


Moving Forward

Now that we’ve gotten the big changes out of the way, I feel some explanation is overdue for my Lucky! overhaul I’ve been running through this year. Lol. 

OBVIOUSLY, I would love for Lucky! to become a Webtoon Original, but that takes work, and if I’m going to try to push that out, I need to be transparent with you guys. It’s never been a guarantee, so much as it’s just been something I wanted to put into action myself, so publishing the comic Weekly was an attempt to keep the algorithm working in my favor to 1.) Gain new readers/patrons and 2.) Keep Lucky! on Webtoon‘s radar. Granted, updating weekly is sometimes a BIT much, especially with my current commitment to commissions and rewards, which is why I leaned hard into this most recent hiatus. But moving forward, I am going to try to keep updating it twice a month, at the bare minimum, in order to stay Eligible for their payment program each month, and to keep Lucky! in the top 20 of the SciFi category for as long as I can. My goal is to keep it going in order to gain as much support as possible through Patreon to keep us afloat, OR until Webtoon decides to pick it up and relaunch it - which, to be honest, is just a dream at this point, but I can’t manifest that if I’m not putting the story out there. 

Look at it this way: This is just the worlds longest, most elaborate elevator pitch to get my comic to be my full time gig. Since things have been looking bleak all year on the job front. (Sobs) But I just wanted to let you guys know what my thought process was behind pushing out updates more frequently this year than I ever had before: Promotion! Lmao

Anyway, thank you all for being here. Thank you for understanding my ups and downs as a creator, and for letting my navigate my successes and failures as an artist on Patreon these past few years. I look forward to all the things we’lol create moving Forward! I couldn’t build this house without you, my team! My foundation! I love you all dearly.

Thank you, my wonderful Patrons,❤️



I'm still happy to support even with the wait you're awesome Chris