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Sorry I’ve been lagging with posting stuff this month, it’s been wild. I’m in the middle of trying YET ANOTHER new system of scheduling/planning with work -and not to put my man on blast or anything, but Anthony being home for the rest of the summer is another hurdle I’m working around, don’t aSK LMAO
Anyway, I’ll be posting some overdue process pics for the $5+ tiers, and uploading WIP‘s of the rest of June’s and July’s rewards that I‘ve received refs for this week and hopefully get most of them knocked out before the end of the month. AND HOPEFULLY this doesn’t totally throw off my Lucky plans, because I’m trying really hard to keep that new commitment BUT, realistically, part of this next episode got a little ambitious so that might have to wait a little if need be. Thanks for being so chill guys! And thanks so much for the continued support!


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