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Damn, okay. How many do I have left... Human Lucky. Francis. Art. Chris. Maggie. Kaylee. I think that's it? Human Red doesn't want to make an appearance, and all of my other "characters" are still sitting in OC purgatory until I can figure out if I can make them work or if I need to hand them off to someone else. Yikes.

I'm thinking I'm probably gonna pass out and start back up in the morning, after I do some iPad stuff. MY "alien" is wearing me out, but if what the doctor says is true, I might get a new pep in my step within the next two weeks, gods be good. Here's to hoping. <3

Bonus(because I really only talk about this stuff with my close friends and you guys): We got a final date. So, I gotta get my life sorted out before the end of May or we're all gonna be a mess. Lol.



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