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"Nami stared in horror from a distance as she watched her crewmates tickle Robin mercilessly all over her body. If they could catch Robin, she had no hope at all. She desperately struggled at the vines holding her in place while Robin's hysterical laughter filled the air. It was useless. His vines were too strong. There was no hope of her escaping until they came to help. "Those idiots won't stop until they tickle the crap out of me too!" She screamed in frustration. It had taken a few minutes of her struggling to escape for her to realize that the laughter had subsided. She looked up in terror as she saw them slowly approaching her, wiggling their fingers with goofy smiles on their faces. "At least I'll be able to get down from here.." She sighed as she resigned to her ticklish fate. "

Here's the final version! I was really happy with how this one turned out and had fun putting it together. Keep a lookout for the next one this week!




Love the dialogue and colours!


If there's a better Nami lee pic, I haven't seen it (and I've seen quite a few).