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UPDATE: Letting everyone know this is closed for now. UNLESS WE'VE SPOKEN ALREADY YESTERDAY OR THIS MORNING, I won't be able to accept anymore. Not sure how to unpin a post without deleting it so it's here to stay until I need to pin something else I guess...

Here we are for the new set of commissions. I wanted to offer cheaper options that I can pump out faster  so I'll try a round of these and see how it goes. I'm offering a series of different YCH commissions that I plan to add on to over time. Prices and everything for those are viewable in the download as well. Main thing to know is only the fullbody pose is static. Thing's that are customizeable (outside of character used):

facial expressions

toes scrunched/spread, hands open/clenched

tickle tools( can be another person, or mechanical hands. price goes up depending on how much is added.)

Design of restraints.

Background(extra depending on how much there is.)

If anyone has any questions, Feel free to ask them here. If anyone wants a regular commission or one featuring multiple people, the old pricing  can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/accepting-early-76141765

 Let me know what you guys think of this direction and if you guys like it. If so, let me know what other kinds of YCH you'd like to see. Already thinking of adding a hogtie one. Otherwise, looking forward to doing some new commissions for you guys!




a hogtied version would look super dope!

David Lewis

Are you gonna have these YCH's and/or more the next time you open up commissions?