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EDIT 30/06/2022 : updated the information

Aside from PogS Props, I started working with two 30 year long friends on a new project. This is an ambitious one as we intend to create a  full world with its own genesis, history and a full length campaign.

Here is an extract of our incoming Patreon site. 

This project aims at creating a fantasy setting for RPG, a unique cosmology, world, and campaign in a non manichaean, full of intrigues world.
The setting will primarily use the d20 5 edition SRD enhanced with unique features but will be ported to other systems.
Valombreuse will be available simultaneously both in French and English.

Our Team
We are a team of 4 long time friends and RPG veterans :

  • Assamite, a writer,
  • SEG, a RPG system specialist and GM,
  • PogS a world map, battlemap and token artist.
  • Alexandra, a translator.

Our Inspirations

We like mature role playing games, those that are not manichaean, are full of political intrigues. In our campaign the players will have to survive adversary events of cosmological nature, develop their own keep and thwart obscure force schemes. They will have to investigate events to understand the true nature of the enemies and the universe. Of course they will have to defeat powerful enemies to unravel the truth.

Our Dedication

We'll be working on developing :

  • Cosmology
  • Geography; world and regional maps
  • History
  • Realms, political factions and important NPCs
  • Classes, powers, special rules, magical items and more
  • Full length campaign with battlemaps and tokens.

The Patreon

The basic world will be free and available to players. Only basic info on the world history and geography as well as Player classes will be available to them. Thus they will be able to build their characters.

The 1rst Tier will give access to the :

  • Player version of the setting, 
  • Valombreuse website,
  • development logs and content as we develop it,
  • Valombreuse Discord Server.

Player version of the setting and Valombreuse website will be freely available.
This is mainly a supporter tier for those who want to contribute.

The 2nd Tier will give access to the :

  • Full GM version of the setting,
  • Development logs and content as we develop it,
  • Valombreuse website.
  • Valombreuse Discord Server.

The 3rd Tier will give access to the :

  • Campaign,
  • Development logs, and content as we develop it,
  • Hi-Res maps.

The 4th Tier Patrons will also have access to the :

  • Hi-Res tokens (round and top down),
  • Foundry VTT module of the Campaign,
  • You be able to participate as a player to one session of the campaign scenarios each month led by SEG our Game Master. It will let you discover the campaign next scenario before publication as a player as we write it and you will be able to provide us valuable feedback on it.

We are working hard on building the dedicated website to host all these information which access will be handled by the Patreon site.

I hope that you will be thrilled by this announcement. Please don't hesitate to post a message if you are interested.


EdIt : The cosmology and genesis are already written and I made the world maps. We are working on the classes and powers. We should be able to launch the Patreon in September I guess.



Sam Amodeo

This is ambitious, but with your maps and tokens I already know it’s worth supporting. Looking forward to it!!!


Definitely interested!