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Lord almighty y’all! We’ve been away from home in Oregon for 6 WEEKS! So long! But so fun! We did so much! Saw our friends get married, got married ourselves, honeymooned in Costa Rica & Vermont, & spent lots of time with family & friends. We are looking forward to getting home & spending the next 2 months packing up the farm, selling what we don’t need, & of course spending a bit of summer time with our sweet friends before we move. I am currently editing a house touring vlog from VT, but SPOILER ALERT for y’all! We didn’t find the one! Either way though, Finley & I are ready to leave the west coast & return back to our east coast roots. We put in our 2 months with our land lady & I’m gonna start the moving vlogs/packing process with y’all. It just feels like the time! If we don’t find our VT home through video tours in the next 2 months, we will move into a temporary rental, or stay with Finley’s parents in VA for a bit while road tripping up to tour houses (this would be worst case scenario though cuz the drive is LONG to VT). We just feel like we want to get back to the east coast by September as we have weddings there in Sept/Oct anyways. This is your official patron-only update 😂 I *kind of* summarized this on IG, but with less details. I can’t wait to return to creating more video content for you once we’re home! Thank you for being patient with me while we were on this insanely long adventure! I love you! P.S. Fat Dogs gas stations in Nebraska are elite & we bought more of the absurd merch!




Bahaha Roo’s nose in that picture 😂 But I really hope you two find your dream home soon!! It’s out there 💖