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Hello Super Friends!

Well, we are excited to announce, we will launch “Inside the Podcast Studio”, starting

with a livestream extravaganza on SEPT 8th at 7pm PST! (LINK TO BE SHARED SOON) We want you, yes YOU, to join us in this celebration.

This is what we need from you. If you like to submit any questions for the livestream event, you can leave them here on this post or e-mail them to ghlresearchdan@gmail.com with the subject line “QUESTION”

If you like to have your name drawn for the trivia game during the show, send an e-mail to ghlresearchdan@gmail.com with the subject line “TRIVIA GAME” and in the message leave your first and last name. 

It is important to label the subject line in the e-mail, if you do not specify what you’re submitting (QUESTION or TRIVIA GAME) your e-mail will not be looked at.

Friday September 8th at 7 PM PST. Mark your calendars, it will be a fun night of games, prizes, insightful conversations and maybe a surprise cameo! See you then!”



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