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It's Veteran's Day in the United States, and I'm wondering if you'll do me a favor. I've relaunched my awesome newsletter and if you subscribe to it today -- I'm offering two free gifts as a thank you. It only goes out twice a month so it'll never be a bother.

Give me a Veteran's Day gift by getting yourself a gift! It's a win/win!

The newsletter will include snippets of my new novel - Why We Love Superman with exclusive creator interviews and Hero Histories, featuring deep dives into real heroes of history. I hope I can count on your free support over there. It's a brand new thing that I'm very excited about. 

Subscribe to the Inman Infantry!


The Inman Infantry

Explore the myth of heroism through the articles, comics, and newsletter of Kansas Farmboy turned Veteran Jason Inman.



Loved the new look and I'm really excited for your new book. Congrats, Jason!