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Princess Leia Organa was one of the Rebel Alliance's greatest leaders, fearless on the battlefield and dedicated to ending the tyranny of the Empire in the Star Wars universe. It's time to dive into the in-between movie history of the daughter of Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker!




I’m also in bizarro land, Jason, about that Han and Leia supposed wedding on Endor. Definitely the first I’ve heard about this. I’m glad Ashley brought up that kiss in modern context. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it in that sense and just took the scene as it’s always been, you know.


Hey, I'M JP243243243! Sorry, I'm not an Apple guy so I made that annoying username literally for that one review, haha. Glad yall liked it. Still listening, and now I'm approaching 275 episodes listened to. Yall keep making it, I'll keep listening! Be safe!