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Playing a character in a superhero movie can be difficult, but some actors pull it off with such style and grace that they make a permanent impression in our mind. We're joined by special guest DJ WOOLDRIDGE (https://twitter.com/djtalkstrash) to decide the Top 5 Super Hero Movies Actors of All Time!

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Tom Trainor

I would struggle to rank, but the five I would pick would be Christopher Reeve, Chris Evans, Heath Ledger, Robert Downey Jr, and Hugo Weaving as V


1. Christopher Reeves 2. Michael Caine 3. Heath Ledger 4. Willem Dafoe 5. Chadwick Boseman I would put Paul Bettany as Vision but it's difficult because it is more sdue to the tv show. I also feel like T'Challa's character growth moments are way undervalued I have been a long time black panther fan and have wanted that movie since way before the mcu and the "ALL OF YOU ARE WRONG, to turn your backs on the rest of the world" quote connected with me deeply as I thought about this even when I was a child