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Hello Super Friends!

We'll be recording the next two episodes of JASON AND JEREMY JAWING ABOUT JUSTICE LEAGUE NEXT WEEK and we want your questions for 

Tabula Rasa Part 1

Tabula Rasa Part 2!

Plus any lingering Justice League or Pie related questions from our previous episodes. Post them below to hear your question in the episode.




Jonn Jones had an interesting character arc where, at the beginning, he reads all these minds and discovers how selfish people can be and later on discovers that people can be selfless. In a way, it seems like Amazo’s journey was the complete opposite, with him being caring and concerned towards his maker and Lex to discovering that Lex was using him and being selfish the whole time. Do you think that Amazo would have come to the same conclusions as Jonn and decided to stay on Earth if someone without Lex’s intentions ran into Amazo first? Or would he still believe that he’s evolved beyond them and leave anyway?


Love you guys and I love this podcast and I got two questions. When I was first watched the show, I was already confused if this Amazon was the same Amazon in the comics, mainly because of the character design. What did you guys think of the final design? Also if I were to say someone was put on the infamous “nerf factor,” it would be hawkgirl. What do you guys think?