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Hey Patrons,

Happy New Year!

We are freshly returned to Jawiin HQ from a couple weeks of rushing around the world. Thank you to everyone who spent the holiday season celebrating with the latest DOCTOR STRANGE HOLIDAY SPECIAL - particularly if you foisted it onto friends and family. Clea & Stevie and Tex & Kurt are very grateful for your support!

Team Jawiin is spending this month gearing up for a ton of new geeky creative projects we have launching in 2022 including:

  • [at least] 2 indie comics
  • new Geek History Lesson formats
  • new Youtube show
  • return of video reviews (patreon-exclusive)

Geek History Lesson is taking a week off. We released a post about scheduling earlier this week. If you missed that post go back & check it out to find out how you can be featured on the next episode we release. With additional travel complications we’re going to use this time to prep and record future episodes. We're recording with a Special Guest this weekend! With the success of our unintentionally on-going James Bond series we’re looking at more content which will build up to the release of major movies and television shows this year.

Geek History Lesson Extra this month has a bunch of fun topics to explore. Some of our most popular EXTRAs last year were our review or recap episode. It’s also a format we know has been missed by fans who came to us during the height of DCTV RECAP. As such … we are going to be incorporating Patreon-Exclusive Video Reviews of some of the biggest & geekiest offerings in 2022!

The Geek History Lesson Blog launched this week! Click here to read! New posts will be every Thursday morning as a companion to the podcast releasing on Tuesdays. All blog posts are shared here on Patreon first before wide to the public. Don't forget we launch a Geek History Lesson Instagram Page with extra memes & blog-related content. 

"Smash that follow button"


JASON AND JEREMY JAWING ABOUT JUSTICE LEAGUE tackles METAMORPHOSIS this month and then next month we finish Season 1! Can you believe our little #JusticePod has made it through the entire first season? As much fun as the show has been to make it's always humbling when you hit a milestone like this. We're not going to be rolling right into Season 2 of Justice League, so stay tune to the pod & to next month's Patreon Blog to see the supplemental episodes we have planned. 

This is your monthly reminder: If you read JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO! and liked it - or if you read JUPITER JET AND THE FORGOTTEN RADIO and did not like it - please leave a review:


We know by this point you are tired of the review reminders, but 100+ reviews bumps our books in these algorithms. Amazon & Goodreads are the two most popular site for readers seeking new content.

Don’t forget to follow Jason and Ashley while you’re there! If you like the “What We’re Reading” section of JASON & ASHLEY’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURES then you are going to love following us on GoodReads!

New Comics are on the horizon for 2022! You’ve picked up the hints and you’ve read the direct questions we’ve been sending your way about what may be coming next. There are a couple other things in the hopper and a couple publishers currently being negotiated with, but you can absolutely count on Super Best Friend and Aurora & The Eagle printing (printing!), new issues this year!

Aurora & The Eagle Book 1 variant cover by Conor Hughes

The latest Jason and Ashley’s Excellent Adventures drops next week. This is a question coming to your directly from a fellow Super Friend: DO WE BELIEVE IN ALIENS?! We’ve talked about ghosts and spirits in the past. We love Star Trek. Science Fiction runs through our veins. Do you know the answer? Are they out there? We’ll spill the beans in our latest episode.

Don’t forget to respond to our recent post about the show to help us produce the latest season!

Secret Mail Level patrons are getting JUPITER JET prints! These were designed by series interior artist BEN MATSUYA to be taken to conventions when we were on our initial tour promoting the series. It features Jacky in her initial outfit before she became Jupiter Jet and got a snazzy new costume to go with her snazzy new identity. Since so many wonderful Super Friends helped us bring her to life we wanted to offer you a piece of our superhero to watch over you.

Big announcements are coming throughout the year. We are so thrilled to have you by our sides as we roll them out. You drive us to keep creating and to make every offering better than the one before. May your year be as exciting and hectic as ours is shaping up to be!

Happy New Year, Super Friends!

Thank you

Jason Inman


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