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Hello superfriends!

We've booked a date to record a special edition of the Blackest Night MAILBAG with Green Lantern Corps (and many other books) artist Patrick Gleason. Not only did he work on Blackest Night, but he also co-created one of my favorite Superman runs.

I'll be asking him a bunch of questions about his Green Lantern career, but I also want to include some questions from you the Patrons! So post your questions for Pat in the comments below -- YOU HAVE UNTIL THURS 10/22 AT 12PM PT TO POST YOUR QUESTION. (Questions can be about anything in his career, not just Blackest Night.)

This should be fun!




When working on Superman, what did you use as an influence for the art?


Since Mr Gleason has worked on both the Batman and Superman families I think he'd be one of the best people to ask this question (anyone can chime in with their opinions too). Q: if they were allowed to grow up and inherit the mantles of Batman and Superman, which of these duos would make the better World's Finest team - Damian Wayne & Jon Kent, or Tim Drake & Conner Kent? And would they be a better team than Bruce and Clark? Thanks for answering, I hope this was a fun one to discuss. I'm pretty biased towards Jon and Damian from reading Mr Gleason's work.