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In support of the BINC FOUNDATION Ashley and I are taking part in the #Creators4Comics Twitter auction! We've put together a JUPITER JET package (including a signed Jonboy Meyers print!), we're really proud of.

Jupiter Jet is our hero and it's an honor to have her be a hero to others in publishing during this time.

If you are interested in bidding go to MY ORIGINAL TWEET. 


Jason Inman on Twitter

I'm auctioning a #JupiterJet bundle for #Creators4Comics A SIGNED copy of Vol 1, @Jonboy007007 SIGNED art print & more! * Bid by replying to this tweet! * Opening bid: $40! * Auction ends 4/20 @ 12 PM EST * Winner donates directly to @BincFoundation & I'll mail it to you.


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