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Hello everyone, 

Good news and bad news. Just wanted to say that with my current schedule I will not be able to record or produce any more Mythmaker episodes for the rest of the year. 

My schedule is quickly filling up and something has to give. 

Hopefully I can start it up in the new year, but please go back and enjoy some of the older episodes!

And the good news is that I will be replacing all this podcast time with writing time as I now have to finish a graphic novel script, prose novel script, tv pilot script, and comic script before the beginning of December!

So thank you all for understanding and your support and I'm sure it will come back!



You do you, bro. The thing about backing a creative type is that they work on what they're passionate about and passion has a way to redirecting from time to time. Learned that by marrying a creative woman. Good luck with all the writing.