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It's the Legends of Tomorrow season 3 finale, kids! 

Is he Malice? Is he Mallus? Is he a credible threat? We're not really sure even after we've seen the episode.

We are excited about the Gary/Constantine scene, though! It was a great button on a pretty good episode.


Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 Episode 18 Review

Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 Episode 17 Review Become a SuperFriend on my Patreon!► https://goo.gl/L8k2kP Listen to our podcast► https://www.geekhistorylesson.com/ PLAYLISTS FOR SHOWS The Flash Season 4►https://goo.gl/XQtRQr DCTV Recap► https://goo.gl/OVEWB1 Geek History Lesson► https://goo.gl/4Hrtfp Comic Book Videos► https://goo.gl/m6WNy4 The Flash Season 3► https://goo.gl/EpnFmD JUSTICE LEAGUE Explained ►https://goo.gl/KsK3dH



The fun part of Legends if that nothing is off limits in their storytelling, In most writers room they throw things against the wall and see what sticks, which of course, is a cooking joke, pasta being finished cooking when it sticks to the wall. with Legends. throwing things against the wall and seeing what sticks includes the paste, the sauce the pots and pans, a toaster and maybe the microwave.


Mick Rory is kinda racist, kinda sexist, kinda bigoted and kinda psychopathic.....but Sara is "Boss". His deference to her seems incongruous unless you have watched what they all have been through.


You're definitely right. He's a character who often gets away with bad behavior because the actor is charming, but the evolution does make for interesting watching.


Sometimes they throw dinosaurs and demons at the wall too.