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Tight on a counter in TYSON’S AUTO SHOPPE (we know this because the name is painted on the window). Jacky has just laid down a Automobile Ring Gear and Pinion. (http://www.snydersantiqueauto.com/ring-gear-and-pinion). This panel reveals that Jacky has changed into a new dress. A classic Dior silouette, pretty and pink (https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--hKNbgK-i--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/rr4hkbjcvh57x3nzmfuo.png). This specific dress silhouette is going to be important later on in the issue. She should be wearing a giant rucksack on top of her dress from earlier. This giant ruck hides her jetpack. 

MR. TYSON (55), African-American and looks a lot like Neil Degrasse Tyson with mechanic’s overalls on, points to the ring. He’s confused. His son, Neil (10), stands behind his dad looking at the table. Little Neil wears overalls.

1. CAPTION: Later. Tyson’s Auto Shoppe.

2. MR. TYSON: You said your brother did what now?

3. JACKY: Last time you came by Chuck said your Ford sounded real slow and clunky. 

4. JACKY (LINKED BALLOON): He whipped up this ring gear for you. Says it’ll double your car’s horsepower. 


Jacky exits the Auto Shoppe. She’s at the frame of the door looking back at the Tysons. Mr. Tyson has his hand up in the air to stop her while Neil should be looking down at the floor. He just found something. (We’ll figure out what soon.)

1. MR. TYSON: How much do I owe you, girlie?

2. JACKY: Nothing. Like my father always said, if you don’t help your neighbors, no one will. 

3. JACKY (LINKED BALLOON): Bye, Mr. Tyson! Bye, Neil! 


Biggest Panel on the page.

Jacky walks away, Tyson’s Auto Shoppe behind her. Marveling at the sights around and above her. We get a real nice view of the Olympic Heights area and the city. A beauty shot. At the top, we can see that several buildings are connected with skyways (sidewalks that connect building to building). One skyway will connect TWO MAIN BUILDINGS in the background. They are decorated with amazing art deco styles and stand out from the rest. Some are open, some are enclosed, but they get nicer and nicer the higher you go up. We also see a couple of blimps in the sky. 

1. NARRATION (JACKY): Olympic Heights. My favorite part of the city

2. NARRATION (JACKY): I love to look up at the skyways. At the beginning of the century, Charles Cayley connected his two buildings with the first one. Today, they are everywhere. 

3. NARRATION (JACKY): I’ve always wanted to walk across one. Now, I fly above them. 


A Toyota A1 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_AA#A1), screeches around the corner that Jacky is at. It’s driving fast and erratic. She’s shocked and takes a step back. 


2. NARRATION (JACKY): That’s Bruno Bramante’s car!


Tight on Jacky’s shocked face.

1. NARRATION (JACKY): He’s headed to our shop! 

2. NARRATION (JACKY): Bruno told us we had another week to pay our debt!

3. NARRATION (JACKY): Oh, no! I have got to get to Chuck!



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