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Chance and Jake

just taking a well earned break, Jake noticed Chance had a bit of a bone in his pants bothering him all week and offered to help out...hes a good lil Buddy.

i always loved evereytime Chance called Jake his lil buddy 

a quick pic for the day. was working on some animating today all day and didnt get very far so i figured id take a break and complete something i could share with yall b4 the day was over lol. hope yall like!




I’d help both of them out. Super heroes need a break once in a while. UwU


I love Chance! What a treat. His little cute fangs are adorable. Nice one bro It looks like he's about to whack Jake over the head tho. Or maybe I'm not seeing where the wrench is latched onto 😅


Fuck, this is ridiculously hot. And the face painting just adds to it 😩 Honestly, one of my favorite pieces I’ve seen all year. Super super lovely


Haha yeah i extended the image last minite so it does look latched onto something. But no hes just got it in his hand as he holds onto a wall or something. The background suffered greatly due to me having to go to bed early 😆


You do such a gorgeous Chance <3