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yall dont mind rite?




That's so hot man. The fantasy is real


Man, I wish my boss was half as cute as this big lug. =u=

Greg Norty

*Insert "I wish that were me" meme*

Omar Mastrodonato

with my boss ( 1.80cm x 145kg ) I had very similar experience ;)


Damn I’m very hard now. I can’t wait for the rest.

Common Bear

Same, I’m openly gay at a very masculine run field. I had a manager, very close to this guy’s size actually, do something similar. I didn’t want things to get complicated or get fired so I left, still wonder sometimes if that was a mistake.

Omar Mastrodonato

I understand your choice to do nothing with him. if you didn't feel like it, you made the right choice

Common Bear

I definitely “Felt” like it.. (shrug) still work with the massive guy.