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Heya friends, just wanna say I apologize for being not able to post anything these last days, but I am sick. Don't worry, it's not Lady-C, but an old friend who drops by every now and then... Got me the chills and wasn't able to do shit. The good thing is I probably now know the reason for "his" unfortunate visits... Seems like I am gluten intolerant... Well that's at least what my body says when I consume a bigger ammount of this stuff... Probably should get a test somewhen...

I am much better now, still have some minor issues, but I will be as good as new in one week or two... So I am starting to work again, but I need to take a bit more care in this very moment... 

It's so frustrating that this have to hit me in Orctober. Still I hope I will be able to tackel all the things I have planed... So cross your fingers and wish me success :) 

Thanks for being patient with me. I know this can be frustrating, but don't forget I am only a pervy lil human such as you ;D Thx for listening and looking forward to present you some new artwork soon <3





Hey, don't worry. I'm sure you don't need to hear this, but we can have Orctober any month of the year and you're not gonna see me complain. Get some rest.


Hope you feel better soon! Rest up n thank you for the update&lt;3