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Hey there my handsome party people!

Just wanna give a quick update about life and work...

This month Requests will be more then only one...

I choose 3 Requests I will draw for you in order to celebrate Orctober some more... this also means I will need some time of November too to finish things like the Animation, Sound Design, Requests and stuff...

Here are the base sketches so far:

Winners are: Me <3



Oliver. (werewolf transformation)

I always wanted to animate a transformation so I decided to do a sketch animation of this request....already sketched 6 scenes...but I dont wanna spoil to much so stay tuned and here you have a small preview ;)

The moon anim is part of this as you can imagine ;)


there is so much to tell you...but I will break it down...

My boyfriend's birthday is on October 30th so there are a lot of preparations we have to do for the partys he wanna give... 

also if you wonder why I wasn't posting things in the last days... I was involved in something crucial... a very good friend of mine (I know her for ca 14 years now) have a lot of trouble lately...I don't wanna go into detail but she need to move as quick as possible, so I was helping her a lot the last couple of days....packing things....cleaning the new flat...give her a shoulder....babysit her lil daughter... so yeah ...also I will help her the next days actualy moving... I hope you aren't disapointend of me to much.... I am very sorry for being absend (especialy in Orctober) so long but for me friends are the most important thing in life ...I am sure you understand I need to help her out...

So... I hope you are excited for the upcoming content :D and sorry for the big delay :( 

Hope you understand... thanks for reading, for your time, support and love!







I love the first one the most, can’t wait to see them all completed. Happy-almost-birthday to your boyfriend. Hope the celebration goes great. I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s troubles. I’m sure she’s thankful to have you and I hope things get better for her. Keep going strong, Animas!!!!


I am absolutely a sucker for a good transformation sequence, so count my vote there! :)


I love the concept art can’t wait to see the finished result


Mach dir keine sorgen das du diesen Monat abwesend warst, du verdienst es deine Privatsachen zu machen ohne dich um uns zu sorgen (&gt;^O^


orctober, best time of the year ;)


I like "Monkeyboner19" one ^^


you're a great guy, don't apologise for not being on here 24/7, hope your friend is ok. First one looks crazy hot, especially if it ends up with some piss lol. Keep up the good work mate!


OMG! You're such a kind person! You take as much time as you need, friends come first ^^