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Opportunity you only get once in life

  • I would support you with 10$/month 83
  • I would support you with 15$/month 22
  • I only would spend more for more service 18
  • Nope 5$ is already to much for me 34
  • 2017-08-14
  • 157 votes
{'title': 'Opportunity you only get once in life', 'choices': [{'text': 'I would support you with 10$/month', 'votes': 83}, {'text': 'I would support you with 15$/month', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'I only would spend more for more service', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Nope 5$ is already to much for me', 'votes': 34}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 8, 14, 4, 40, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 157}




Hey my sweet party people... I wanna share a big chance for my boyfriend and me... As you might know we are searching for a flat for one year now (since we moved together into the flat we are liveing at right now). As you also maybe know... we do have trouble liveing here... the neighbourhood is selfish (a kid's bedroom is above ours and we can't get propper sleep....even though we use ear plugs...running kids are no fun at 5 a.m. till 6 p.m.), ignorant (next to me there are some drug heads playing hardcore techno all day/night long...I already tryed to talk to them but they simply ignore me) and dangerouse (we have a lot of neo-nazis in our surrounding, a lot of drunken people too...they yell all day and night, throwing bottles around and are simply confused and annoying)... So as you can imagine we hate this place... the only thing that keeps us here is the flat is cheap (700€/month for 78 m²)...Every flat we can find equal to ours in size and shape costs over +1100€/month...

And here comes the opportunity: 

We found an old lady who offered us an old house 100m² for 1200€/month... The house is in my old hood outside of Berlin....very quiet and surrounded by nature...the city isn't far away and my bf's future work is 10 min away from that place, which would be perfect for us. 

He will begin his teacher training in a few weeks... which is connected to a great problem....the money... He was employed before as a temp teacher which means he earned more money then he will in his trainee years... That means I am in chatge for that time... So we are pretty screwed cause we would freaking love to move in the super cheap house (compared to the flats we can find) instead of living in a flat we can't call a home at all...(or a flat that's way to expansive for what you will get in the end)...

So here is the question AND THIS IS SUUUUPER HARD FOR ME TO ASK! ... Can you imagine to continue supporting me when I raise prices? Instead of 5$ per month for example 10-15$ ?

I naturaly would continue working as hard as I do right now...maybe I would try to

( just for you to know 1$ =  0,84€ )





Your livelihood is very important and the quality of your work in itself is already worth new than $5, added onto the fact that you post so frequently and I definitely feel both for the sake of being somewhere happy and doing more for yourself that $10-$15 is fair and still a steal!


I would absolutely continue to support you if you raised prices. I don't know if my wallet could handle 15 a month, but as it is I've thought since I first pledged that the amount of work you put out should be more than 5 a month

winter ace

I would still support tho I could probably only do 10$ <:3 and="" because="" of="" saving="" senpai="" sorry="">


I would support at $15 or more. I hope you can get your house!


Great....now I am crying... YOU FOLKS ARE SO GENEROUSE AND KIND! I am freaking touched because of your love! Thank you so much for being there for me and for your time. Huggles Lucius and Nick. Guess I need sleep when I am so close to tears... really thank you


10 dollars for sure, you'd just be the only artist I'd support. You churn out stuff really frequently and often, doesn't hurt me much! Love ya.


I totally understand it's a lot of money...and I will post things for 5$ still ... Thank you winter for your honest feedback and love


Definitely!!! You deserve this soooo much I wouldn't mind paying more for all the amazing work you do I think 10-15 is perfectly fine. You dedicate so much time and effort to this and even work through nights for us. This is the least we can do for you!


Soooo cheering! Thanks so much idk what to say... You all deserve so much more then pure love. Thanks Empy

winter ace

@animas I been supporting you even since you drawn that pic for me on Tumblr I will pledge you always senpai because you are to awesome to not wanna love for


Of course, I'd be happy to help in anyway😊


I'll keep suporting your work, as many have stated before me, your work is already worth more than 10 bucks; the stuff you do is already professional grade, detailed and exquisite. I cant at the time raise my patronage, but you already know how much i love your work 😘


I wish I can support u more that $5 but my budget is tight as it is. Sorry.


You do great work, a $5 increase is a small price to pay for good art.


I dont mind chaning to 10, but please keep it optional. There may be people out there from whom already 5 is quite a lot.


I currently don't have the money to support but if I hopefully land this job I've applied for I could totally do $10


hmm.... i wouldn't mind supporting you for $15, and i would if you changed it to that, but i feel like there should be more patreon exclusives for it. i did always think $5 was too cheap for your work, though!


Yes, you deserve it, your work is nothing short of inspiring. It may compromise a few other pledges but you're the only reason I joined Patreon in the first place.


Man, I'd totally support with more than 5 if I could afford it (I'll probably will in the near future). I think it's risky to increase the $5 patreon reward since not all your patreons participate and comment on your posts, you could even lose some of them. Why not make it optional? You're an amazing artist and I'm sure a lot of people would like to support you in this situation. I really hope you can find a way to make this work and have a better life =)


I could do $10!


if it is for a short period yes

Paxton Roth

You're one of the most talented artists I know of, and your rendering is exquisite $15 is nothing for this quality. So I don't mind paying more.


15 $ is a good price.


Oh, sure! I think $10 is just fine for your quality work~


I can only afford 5, to go up to 10 should be optional for those who can and maybe they get more rewards? I wish I could pay more and help out your situation but I don't have the money, so above 5 is really difficult for me :/

Timothy Kolbasa

You could do what some other Patreons do and offer "concept suggestions" for higher monthly amounts. Essentially it is just once a month you draw based on a suggestion. It is no guarantee to get your concept drawn, but it does make people feel like they have more input. :D


I wish i could pay 10, but 5 is my limit. I'm sorry, but i still love your work!


10 is not bad. Maybe keep the 5 option for some people?sorta expanding rather than limiting.


I originally began supporting you for your animations, which are, frankly, some of the best I've ever seen. If you were putting more work into those I wouldn't hesitate to up my support. I understand they are insanely time consuming and would significantly reduce your overall output, but animation is the thing you are doing better than almost anyone else out there right now. It's what sets you apart and makes me want to support you.


I couldn't agree more, on all points.


I unfortunately don't have a lot of money (don't have a job), so I can only really afford a maximum of 10... 10 is fine, but for people like me, 5 is more ideal when you don't earn much or anything at all.


1$ = tip jar (there are plenty of people who just want you to have a dollar) 5$ = access to all your art


damn it, i hit Enter XD $7 or $10 = all your art plus animations


i can pay 10, and for the peeps in the 5 range you could offer to keep the 5 as an option and just offer less content for that price


if its getting too much for you to keep dishin out art then raise your prises, I know I can't afford much but it shouldn't stop you.

Daddy McQuaig

I can pay more. I’m would also like to support you through commissions. You are worth it!


You honor me if I am the only artist you support! I am very glad you think that way and I thank you very much for your high trust in me, Bien. Stay awesome <3


Oh Edwin, I am so glad you see me that way. It is such a boost to know all of you are so dedicadet and lovely. I only put so much effort in thing because of you folks! You are truely people I can count on and I never have dreamed of haveing such kind of relation to "costumers" in any job I can imagine....thank you


Oh winter...I am always glad to make people happy....cause thats why I do arts/porn... I feel very greatful. hugs


Thank you Monkey! I apprechiate your help a lot. Thank you for your kindness and generousity, dear


awe so much love! thx for the great feedback Meglid. I still do have a lot to learn and I am always struggeling when it comes to money... my friends and family yell at me all the time...they wanna incourage me to raise prices because of the "quality" and pace I uploade new content... it really helps me don't feel bad about that situation when I see so many people tell me my work or I am worth more... Thank you so much, Meglid


I totally understand Aaron....5$ is a lot of money and I am very greatful that you do support me with that ammount. I promise I try to keep being affordable. I don't wanna drain your wallet, dear.


thanks for your opinion Werecub :3 Well for some people it is a lot... so I think I will have it as an optional way to support me...I will figure something out people are satisfyed with ^^'' thanks for your feedback


hahahah how odd....thats exactly what I my answer was on one comment above....and you are so right! Thank you for thinking off the box and careing for those with less funds <3 I like that, Peter


BW, please make sure to take care of yourself first before you waste your money on me. I don't wanna people to suffer from money issues because of me...I wanna make people happy and don't wanna suck out their life source. I am already very greatful and honored you are supporting me with 1-5$


Oh 8 :D I am always so greatful about your feedback, your ideas and thoughts...your opinion is always good to here....in streams especially ;) I totally get the point....I don't know about the concept I will go for in the future but I have the feeling it would be good if pledgeing more is optional would make people happy the most... but still...I might think about an 15$ offering where people might get a lil extra like the PSD file or such...idk yet. tanks for shareing your concirne and your feedback


Thank you for the love, Hortissimo. I am flattered that you joined because of me and thank you for your support. Just have to find a way I can make people feel comfy with the ammount they are paying and earn more to make things possible in life I dream of. I think the future is full of opportunitys and may be bright ^^ thanks for your love


Oh you are so right, Kreic. I always had the plan to stay affordable for anyone... and I don't wanna change that....otherwise I need more funds to be able to have a peaceful life... but again my plan is haveing a lot of supporters on here who pay low money and the mass will give me the opportunity to fund my life. and it seems the plan will work out some day cause I can see my success growing every month... I am so damn greatful it works out like that so far... thanks for your concirne and for shareing your opinion


I am so glad you could do support me with 10$, SWT. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. hugs and kisses


You don't need to support me with more then affordable for ya TTL! I am already honored and greatful about all the pledges I earn...even if it's 1$....don't overtax honey. It's okay and I still will be there for you guys


Oh my Paxton! Oh I don't know what to say. Thank you for your kind words! Well idk hahahah I don't do renders so often so actualy my work is mostly pretty flat ^^'' But I am glad you enjoy the few moments like when I did the 3D Mousepad design. I am really really glad you think my quality is worth more then 5$/month. Thank you for your big help and generousity!


O.O how modest XD hahahah trow your money at me... I will dance a lil for ya hahahah XD Thank you freaking much for your generousity! I am very glad to have people who don't mind spending that much on my work *sparkles*


You are always so kind Chris! Glad you think so and thank you so much for your support so far and future support! Huggles ya tight handsome


I absolutly understand....and as I mentioned before in other replys I don't want you to burn your money on me, André! Actualy I absolutly know how you feel cause I was raised in tight-money-situations....so please make sure to take care of yourself first....and I will absolutly go on shareing most of the content for 5$... and thank you for the advice on doing something additional for those who pledge more...as I said before I am very greatful you guys do support me even though money is tight on your side. This is so selfless of you and you deserve all the love I have to give


Timothy....what a great idea...would you like to share some more thoughts about that? please PM me and I will come back to you asap....sounds very interesting and helpful! thank you so much for your suggestion and for careing


AND I LOVE YOU FOR ENJOYING IT AND FOR THE SUPPORT! I will still upload for 5$ ....this is something I realized reading all your kind words....thx for the support Kodi


EXACTLY....I don't wanna limit anything... this wouldn't be the right way,Slash....thx for your opinion, dear


Oh my....I am so sorry I couldn't do more of them....but as you said right....they are time consumeing as hell and my output would be less ....I fear people would stop pledgeing when they just get one animation a month without all the other pics meanwhile...or just sketches... but I think you have a point there which is very important and I am very glad you like them so much. I am very honored you think the are like one of the best you see out there....and I will try to do more in the future...Thank you guys for your honest opinion. Thank you


Mintgears, I (as I said before and I always will) it should be "you first" A_A second... I am very greatful you support me even though the money is tight. I totally understand if you would even stop pledgeing and take care of yourself first. I don't deserve to grab money from people who don't have much. The more I am greatful about you seem to like me and my work so much that you spend your dollars on me. Dude, thank you for all your love. I won't disapoint you content wise in the future.


Thanks for the suggestion Majin :3 I will keep uploading animations for 5$...cause that it seems is the main reason people join me... So I will have to come up with something else that will make people be comfortable to pledge more :) thanks for your support and opinion :)


I wouldn't wanna offer less content for 5$ then now....more or less I should offer more content for the folks who pledge more....otherwise it wouldn't feel right for me. Still thank you so much for your opinion and support, Loren. Means a lot to me to read peoples thoughts. Thank you so much


Oh it totaly matters and should stop me....cause thats wh I ask you folks....I don't wanna make you feel worth less against people who just can afford more things....it's not right... you deserve the same love


Oh my....all that love! Thank you Hadrian ;) I can reserve you a commission slot if you want to ;) Anyways...thank you so much for your generousity and love! huggles


I have upped to $10 hun ^_^


The way you did it now is so much better! This is a good way to make everyone happy n_n god bliss <3