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I got COVID-19...

I thought there was something wrong with my body.

Yesterday, I had a high fever and body aches, so I couldn't even get up.

Just in case, I tested at the hospital today and was confirmed to be infected with COVID-19.

Normally, I have to upload a part of the rewards around this time.

I think the upload will be delayed due to my physical condition.

I'll try to make sure that you don't feel uncomfortable checking the rewards as much as possible.

I'm really sorry.

코로나에 걸려버렸습니다...

얼마 전부터 몸에 조금 이상이 있다 생각을 하긴 했는데

어제는 고열에 몸살이 겹쳐 거의 일어날 수도 없었네요

혹시나 하는 마음에 오늘 병원을 가보니 확진 판정을 받았습니다

평소 대로면 이때 즈음에 보상 하나 정도는 업로드 해야 하는데

업로드가 조금 늦어질 거 같네요

가능한 보시는데 불편함이 없도록 해보겠습니다.

정말 죄송합니다.



아이고난 몸조심하시길


Get well soon!


Wish you a speedy recovery!

Lunar amethyst

Please focus on healing. 3D bros before 2D hoes.


Damn Covid ain't no joke when I got it it sucked... Well hope you recover faster then what I did. Took me about 3 weeks to recover from it stay strong 💪.

Jared Newman

Stay strong, Kuma. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Riley Kelly

Covid sucked when I got it. Stay strong and pamper yourself for a while :)