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I've done some form of October challenge every year for the last five or six years, maybe even longer. And I will never be one of the people that says that they do it all on the day they are supposed to post. I learned fast that some days you can't think of anything to draw, some days are full with other work or trouble (two years ago I had to go to the hospital and couldn't finish anything in time) and sometimes it is just hard to finish a prompt and do it in the sliver of daylight that is left in October so you can actually take a decent pic. So I always prepare sketches.
This year around I plan to work in ink again, but I decided to do the sketches digitally because this works so well for the watercolor pieces I recently did. Not having to erase and ruin the paper while sketching is a godsend.
Here's the prompt list and the first four prompts. Kinktober will be on Twitter, completely uncensored, I thought it would still be nice to give you guys a preview of what I've been working on.

I hope you are doing well, I've had some nights without sleep recently but I hope it'll get better this weekend when it's supposed to be a bit chillier again.
<3 Sarah




Oh wow. I think October is getting hot... 🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵 I'm already looking forward to it. 🙂


Well, October is shaping up to give us a heatwave. <3