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So, since I am most likely going to be putting the ''Loot Packages" on hold for Idk how long :o I thought starting now, I shall have all upcoming work be Early Access here now, new Artworks and Animations and stuff, oh and the original Resolution too, my Twitter posts will be reduced in Resolution, and I've been thinking of doing a little Tutorial on how I do things :v just in case someone here is interested d;


Also, I was thinking of doing something special just for everyone here ;) it's gonna be like a "Motion Comic" that's open to all patrons, and it'll work like the Patron Art, but instead of writing Objects and stuff, you'll have to write down a little Sentence such as "Character slips and falls, but grabs onto a branch" or "Character's Ghost headbutts her" or "Character sits on the throne", kinda like that thing where people write Comments and sentences to write a Short Story thing d; but as usual, it'll be One Sentence per Patron x3

We'll see if we can start doing that Tomorrow, and this is probably not gonna be a Monthly thing as it don't sound like something I'd get done in a Month :o



Sounds like an interesting idea! I wonder how it'll go