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  • Venir Test 2.mp4
  • Venir 2.mp4



Venir 2nd Session, below is 'Venir Test 2' if you just want to see the Action, 'Venir 2' is the full session.
Also methinks I should make the other 2 Subjects Aya & ED3N extra dangerous x3 Employees are walking out of sessions unharmed too often.
Ooh, and maybe we should add an option to the Submission Form called "Display" and it could be anything again such as showing off a Sword, tapping the glass, holding your hand against the glass, shouting "BOO!", flashing them and so forth x3

But anyways, I might rest this week, gotta take care of some IRL stuff.




Venir looks amazing in that uniform! Also with the new NEST uniform it's just my headcanon that until the change everyone just showed up to work naked.