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Greetings, loves!

So here finally is the sketch for BB's flavour piece. ^^

You know there are still plenty of outfits that she will be wearing for this as alternate versions, but I wanted to show you the base pose that she'll have for all of them. :3

Also, I included the very original and first official piece I made of BB back in the day for you to compare. That is when I settled on her personality traits and chose this outfit for her to wear casually.
I made a couple of adjustments so I think you can see this as a redraw. :p

And one last thing, I have been struggling a little bit with my latest BB focused pieces and thanks to this sketch I realized the why and wished to let you all know.

You see, whenever I have a certain pose in mind, at least for me, it doesn't come as easy to bring it to life. Most of the time I use a reference, but most of them are based on human anatomy and proportions. Meaning that even when I tried to avoid it, those traits get replicated in the final product. >~<

As you know, I've been trying to keep my style as close to the original style from Zootopia for a long time. That is, big heads, small paws, really short legs and other details depending on the species of course. But in the pieces that I am talking about I sense a lack of consistency that has been rather frustrating. T~T

Sometimes the head is not as big, or the torso is longer and overall, it just feels like a different character from one piece to another. It is something that I really need and want to work on. I just wanted to mention it now because this sketch is probably the closest to the actual anatomy and proportions I want to keep on using, and I do feel that consistency when I look back at all of the flavour pieces I have done so far. ^w^

My apologies for the long explanation, but I really wanted to say it. xD

Do let me know what you think so far! 
