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Good day, loves.

So... I have a lot of things to say about these pieces...

Firstly, I'd like to address the most important detail... As you may have noticed, I struggled a bit more with these sets than with other pieces.
It took me longer and trying something new with them turned out to be a bigger challenge than I anticipated. Realizing all of this, I also noticed that the month is pretty much over and I still had a lot of work ahead of me.

Regarding backgrounds, you know that even though I have admitted to be lacking on that skill, I have always embraced the challenge and give it a try with what I know.
However, this time I knew it would take me way too long to come up with six different backgrounds to complete the sets.
So the first thing I want you to know is that I DID NOT CREATE the image you see in the back.
In order to complete the cards I searched for free-to-use images on the internet.
This one is from:
http://www.freepik.com">Designed by upklyak / Freepik
They create amazing content! I encourage you to check it out if you are interested.

I have heard of other artists that use similar tools and resources to complete their pieces, and I do not think it's wrong either, but there is still a part of me that feels guilty or even "defeated".
So I promise I shall learn from the experience and try to improve so that I don't have to rely on this option again.

Please, do let me know what you think.



Colonel Arbuckle

Aww, Rasps! These look great!! I'm glad you attempted this series! I hope this defeated feeling doesn't last long for you, because you're not defeated. You're only defeated if you didn't learn anything from it or had no desire to improve. But you did and you do! Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to the rest of these!!