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Heyo! We’ve been doing a lot of work lately, so it’s time to dump some news on you 😄

Thanks everyone for playing the previous version and for your feedback!

What a lot of you have noticed for 0.2 is the lack of content. With that update we focused too much on the backend, cause we want to make a solid foundation for a really great game (and we’re determined to make it great!). But, since the code part for 0.3 is partially finished, we were able to concentrate more on the content!

The team’s expanding

But first, let us introduce you to our new team member - ArkadiyVicont! His job responsibilities are: level design, designing quests and writing dialogues. He'll be working primarily on the Lindcliff village.


The Save system

It is practically ready. Only the UI is left. Patrons have voted for the layout and this is how it will approximately look in the game:

On the top you can see the slots dedicated to different playthroughs (you can have multiple playthroughs at the same time), each slot contains saves.


Due to a bug with Alisa wearing a dress and NPCs thinking she’s naked, our programmer made some changes to the inventory system. Now certain wearables can take up multiple slots. For example, the dress will now take up the top and the bottom clothes slot.

But not only that.

The inventory system has been reworked at its core. And now static (name, size, max use count, etc) and dynamic (how many times used, clothes wetness, etc) parameters are stored separately. Some features can be disabled for the sake of optimization (not all items require dynamic parameters).

UE Source

We’ve switched the project to the source version of Unreal Engine. This will allow us to change the engine’s code however we want, avoiding unexpected bugs and debugging more efficiently.

We hope to release the v0.2.1 in mid-end of June.



The content

New locations and stories await you on the 3rd day of the prologue!

A family picnic in nature followed by various activities, quests and, of course, mysteries… This will also give us an opportunity to showcase the survival and needs system to you!

New secret store location

The Secret store will finally look like a proper “store”. And you’ll never guess which building it is in 😆

Spicy stuff

Let’s admit… It’s getting kinda boring watching solo scenes only. So we’ll finally add 3 new h-scenes featuring new NPCs!


Our 2D designer is working on improving the UI/UX

  • Attributes

Since many of you have been confused about why your attributes weren’t changing, we made the interface clearer so you can see that they do change!


  • Notifications

Notifications for when certain actions or events take place


  • Tutorial


  • Item info

Also working on a context window for clothes attributes (and item attributes in general). This can be activated by hovering over an item in inventory/storage and will include:

  • (clothes only) Levels of Dirtiness, Wetness, Wear&tear and Sp**m
  • (clothes only) Warmness, Water resistance, Durability, Revealingness
  • Tags (work uniform, casual, quest-related, etc)
  • Price
  • Description

Lindcliff overhaul

The 3D modeler is reworking the Lindcliff, planning the layout of different interest points in the village. This is one of the buildings you’ll be able to find in Lindcliff - a shopping mall + cinema, and it’ll already be accessible in 0.3!

Other plans

With your generous support we were able to hire a new worker. After the 0.3 release, we plan to hire 2 new team members - an environment artist and an animator. They’ll be working together with a quest designer on Lindcliff, filling it up with interesting locations, stories and NPCs. This way we hope to have enough open-world content for the Steam early-access release.

Also planning to migrate the project to UE5. Maybe we’ll manage to make it for the 0.3 already, but it’s not guaranteed.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

Now, let’s get back to work…



Anthony Harvey

Reading the letter is still very difficult to do intuitively. I expect actions like look or read to be done in the inventory by either right clicking or by dragging to an action icon in the unused space above the inventory slots.


Props to you and your team. I've rarely seen a group churn out content as fluidly as yours! Keep up the good work, I've opted to increase my donation amount in support.


Thank you! Really appreciate that! we'll do our best to keep the flow 🙂


i became a member 4 or 5 hrs ago and your Launcher wont let me sign in.. do you know when this will be fixed??


this is not our launcher. we told the devs about the issue and they're working on it. you can still find the download links in Patreon posts


“Perk received: c** eater” followed by “money: +60c” is this a hint at a prostitution system or just a coincidence?


a coincidence 😉 we'll add prostitution after the prologue. it'll be one of many possible jobs


Any female among the 3


not sure what you're asking about. if you mean NPCs - we might add 1 female NPC in 0.3