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Your newly adopted pups have tired you out to the point they are both awake while you are passed out. That doesn't stop them from feeling right at home and huffing your scent all for themselves!

More of Wawa HERE: https://twitch.tv/eepywawa

I cannot tell you how hard it is to sniff a 3dio without it either being too quiet or so loud it pops your ear drums 😭

Art: Jafarero

Wha? ANOTHER BONUS? Erm yes you know how I do. Far too much clearly LMAO. Okay but to be serious Wawa was another girl who has an unfortunate time with some cruel people so again... the funds for this Youtube video will all be going to her to help her on her content creation journey. If you're wondering why the script part is so small it's because I didn't want her having to deal with voice acting an essay so hopefully you can forgive us for it being a baby script 🤏The Youtube video will again show up very quickly after this post and if you feel like lurking in the shadows and watching it, that will help the video in the algo and thus more money to help Wawa! 💙




You're an absolute saint. 🙏 Bonus content and helping out those who were abused. 💙


Aww yisss, based sniffas coupled with a based act. Swept off your feet with your usual insane schedule, big project going on behind closed doors and you still offered to help these girls out. You're a bloody legend Dude, through and through!


Dude once again being an absolute gem to the VA community. Can't wait to listen while chilling out in the fall breeze today~~

Kronk's Stronk Stonks

Its actions likes these that make the term community actually mean something in online spaces. Really great to see you still raising others up within the space, in a league of your own on that front, at this point.


DTW you are just awesome.

steven baker

Wanted to thank you for the extra content even with all the behind the scene stuff going on. You might think its a small gesture but its big for some of us and helps us after a rough day. just know it is appreciated




Those pups deserve belly rubs and head pats.

Jose Molina

cute premise, not really into sniffing to be honest but it was still enjoyable overall