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HAPPY AUGUST CUTIEBATOOTIES (in like 6 hours lol)! I regret to inform you, it's all pretty quiet on my end...? I am afraid I'm just a boring bean for you this month and have no updates or hidden plans I can talk about yet. YET :) So I think I would just like to say thank you for the support and I hope I can help you tingle and get release. Whatever way suits you best ;) I hope you're able to take care of yourself to the best of your ability, such as hydration or maybe making the right food choice every so often. Maybe a good stretch once in a while for your leggies. 

I recently got a pretty big health check up and I kinda didn't know you were supposed to go yearly. So that's new... that's a thing. I got complimented on my symertrical piercings when I got a full body xray lol. So thanks to the nurse who gave me an ego stroke there LOL she was hilarious. She said it's way more common to have booba piercings than you think. So... there you go. She said smaller booba vs bigger booba she notices small girlies get it more so can't say you didn't learn anything today ha! 

My voice has been acting pretty funny recently peeposus. I don't know how often other creators upload but 8 audios a month is a lot on my little throat (plus pwpster and other lil secret projects I got going on hehe). I drink lots of tea ect but sometimes it just doesn't "heal" back to how I normally rest. It's what's currently stopping me recording my little game because it requirers highs and lows and I don't want to do a poor job. :v 

I have managed to find a fast artist for the lewd stuff on the hub which you should check out cause there's a big old backlog on there and I've still got a handful more to do once the work comes through! 

As for the actual content this month I just want to warn you WAY in advance that 26 -
"Yandere keeps you to herself" actually is a horror roleplay and it ends with you the listener no longer breathing so please PLEASE read the warnings when that one comes out. I just wanted to test out something new I've never done before but I doubt I'll be returning to horror quickly :c 

There's again futa this month I was not kidding about no breaks on the futa train, thank you to the homies who skip stuff and don't complain I really apprecite it. I have to admit I'm still a baby sometimes and my lil feelings get hurt when people kinda trash on something I made with my lil heart and soul 😢

And then I think that's all I got for ya so thank you for reading. Normally I don't talk too much about my personal life but I got some comments about the rambling video I used to do yearly and people enjoyed hearing me ramble and talk about and old shit so here's a text ramble. Oh you're so sleepy now... oh so tingly... sk sk sk. 

OH I JUST REMEMBERED I think... next month I'll open up 7 lewd audio commissions but I'll post about it nearer the time for those who want a slot. I burned myself out. Seems like 14 is my limit before I need to rest my noodle script wise hehe. Okay I go for real now, byeeeeeeee and hydrate 🔫



Kronk's Stronk Stonks

Probably an unnecessary warning but try to stick to green/decaf teas for your throat: caffeine, in a roundabout way, dehydrates you, meaning vocal strain is more likely since hydration is key for avoiding vocal strain. Due to this, relying on carbonated drinks for hydration or drinking alot of alcohol can also fuck your throat up. - Sincerely, a dumbfuck who has persistent voice strain/loss, who gets nasty looks from the doctor for not doing what was said above. Also horror RP, sick. Love actually dying. Its like competitive ranked sleeping.

Lachlan Parker

Boring? Not once since you vore'd Earth-Chan have you been boring to anyone that cared. (Also, I finally realised that I didn't miss your first 3 months. It was only a few days. Two weeks tops. No I feel kinda old 😅.) (Quick note: if you don't want to read an essay's worth of verbal vomit, and would read the useful stuff only, just read the part where I mention Andy Serkis, because it's actually trying be helpful. Any, I hope that your days have been good to you. 😁) Yearly check-ups are borderline minimum. In Australia, where you are thankfully safer, healthcare is actually worth a damn (it's unfortunately a political issue for the US). Also, small boobs are better (not because of you, though), and no-one can convince me otherwise. I don't remember the full drink, but I've heard that Andy Serkis drank a hot tea with honey and leaves juice between recording sessions to heal his throat (it was getting ruined by voicing Smeagal/Gollum). Hopefully you can make use of this information. I'm hopeless with it. (I'll skip past the next few because I'm "a weakling" as you work comically remark.) I deeply admire your work ethic (more than I know how to say without going cliché yet overkill), but some of us get worried when you overwork yourself to the point of burnout. Maybe it's actually just me, but it's frightening when someone pushes themselves that and hard. If you ever said that it was fine, I'd mention it no longer, but I've seen career burnout way too much for my liking(my Dad is a partial workaholic). So please be careful with your limits. A burnt-out DTL is never a happy thought.


Nice to hear an update from your personal life~ I hope you take care of yourself mentally and physically! Personally I enjoy the futa audios so im pretty happy about that too! Cheers

Phantom Renegade

Hey the new artwork comes out on my birthday! Awesome!


Getting my favourite topic Post on my bday yaaaay (7th)


Thanks for the update DTL! Please take care of yourself, it's okay to take a break from time to time cause nobody here wants you to burn out from too much content production (cause seriously you pump out content like there s no tomorrow 😂) . Appreciate your great work, but seriously, take care ♥️

Kees Prosser (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-03 21:57:03 always excited for yandere content <3
2023-08-02 16:18:24 always excited for yandere content <3

always excited for yandere content <3


You have... no idea how long it took me to realize that was a head in the art and not just some weird lookin cat🤣🤣 Looking forward to another great month Dude!!