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GAWDDDDD DAMN HALF WAY through the year, god look at us. Look at us, who would have thought? Not me! But we fucking rolling and smoking this year B) I hope you enjoy the selection - as always the titles only give away so much. I would say by far the "Obsessed Yandere Traps You With Her" is my fav and it's not even a lewd audio. I really like hardcore teasing and I don't do it often cause I don't wanna risk my Youtube channel but sometimes you just have to be naughty 😏

Now it has been another month and my artist still appears completly offline for my public lewd audios. I think I'll hold out for another 2 months (?) then after that I'll just reorder all the artworks that are missing elsewhere. If the artist comes back, the artwork won't be wasted as I'll commission different designs of stuff :3

I will be closing ALL Script Submissions by the end of this month. I repeat, my lovelies if you didn't know I have script submissions open which you can read about it all in this post here. I am very close to getting all the scripts for a future event, I'm trying to work on the future then backwards first. It sounds crazy but I want to try and secure "events" then work on my general stuff so first up is the futa event but publically it comes out Feb 2025. It's so far away and seems crazy to stockpile but time moves FAST. Plus I can always crop the lewd artworks to use in a wholesome roleplay ;) I know I post a lot of content in general but I really do get a lot of happiness pushing and testing my limits with events as well. Spooktober was pretty intense but I always enjoyed it, then the 12 uploads of December too that I've been doing consistently. So the plan sounds crazy but everything is fine?? So you're welcome because you can see the madness behind what making content is like LOL!

I don't think I have any major updates at all for you, it's all quiet and normally no news is good news. There's some whispers about being able to create that video game soon I hope. I spoke about it at the start of the year but had some really poor timing issues. Once I've "stabalized" myself with having a few backups. I could probably take a stab at it again and see where it leads us. In the meantime I was actually contacted about someone making a game inspired by me! (Ego went up 3 sizes there 😳) I have yet to play it and will put the footage somewhere of me playing it but you can find it HERE if you want to check it out! It's just a bit of lewd fun so you've been warned!



Am I going insane or is the schedule image low-res?


Another month full of feels 'n' nuts, looking forward to it Dude! Oh, and don't forget to evade your taxes...do, do your taxes...👀 (Lovin' that artwork by p_purrito , btw, 🥵)


No I was having issues uploading it?? It wasn't happy with me uploading it but there's a better preview on Twitter IDK why patreon didn't like it. I thought I was going crazy!


Lol my tax return will be the only reason I'll stay in the country probably cause of how much bank they make off me, you know cause I'm foreign I get to pay a BONUS TAX WOOHOO GO MEEEEEEEE 🎊


Looks like another fun month to look forward to. Crazy it's already June. The 19th caught my eye. Looks like an interesting role change.


Le gasp! The only reason? You mean you're not enjoying the overly inflated rental costs? Tsk, tsk, kids these days expecting to live- ok that's about as far as I can carry that, before I want to kick my own ass.. Also, just cause the cat's prowling..how much extra do we xenophobia?


I always thought reverse comfort doesn't get enough attention. I mean, I know it's more work to try and write, but it can lead to some enjoyable scenarios, like with Dude's wolf/pup audios.


Agreed. It's understandable when you think about how most people seek out ASMR and RP audios as a means of comfort. But there are people out there that find comfort in comforting others too.


All good, I'll take a gander over on Twitter. I thought my internet was breaking or something lol


True, true... Plus, Dude's panting is always adorable...I mean, I'm glad we are in an age where we can address these things with the level of maturity they deserve..


damn, closing this month? i'm gonna have to pick up the pace, i've got another script coming your way today or tomorrow lmao but sooo many ideas month looks amazing though! yandere, goblin, delinquent, (FUTA!!), and something new with the jerked off while spying? sounds great!


I was going through the games site and saw the download file “DTLlewdytube.rar” and the rar part had me thinking “yep that’s Dudes thing lol.” Quickly realized that’s the winrar file lol it’s only 6am for me rn so leave me alone

Kyoma Zanki

More futa DTL? Yes please 🙏


Quite an interesting game. I played for a time and it's got a lot of potential. I really look forward to it's progression!


Honestly if it's submitted I'm not gonna be like IM NOT EVEN READING THIS, it just means that it might publically appear VERY far away in the future :3


The concept is there I'm very curious where they will go with it :3

Unsc Helljumper

I'm absolutely loving the art of the redesign. I know I say this alot but it looks so damn good.


Oh shoot I almost forgot about the game! Man I can't wait for it to come out and who knows maybe it'll become so popular that they might put you in Smash! If that ever happens I'll definitely be maining you! Also I should really pickup the pace on my script. Hopefully I can finish it on time 🙏


as always am hyped for the new month. But why do the audios im most hyped for come out so late 😭 its as if dtl knows what we like and does it on purpose 👀😂❤

Phantom Renegade

Surprised it’s already been half a year. Love the line up of content for this month DTL! Love the art too!


Happy to see it Dude, lots of based stuff coming up for this month. Keep rocking in the free world! Once again will say, the subscription was worth it


Really excited for this month. It all looks like great. You work to hard sometimes you better get rest in there. The obsessive stuff, and with the yandere topping is a spice I'm not passing up.


Looks fantastic from start to finish. Your voice and content always calms me down... even when its not supposed to ;) . Thank you for all the sleep you have given me.

Chibi Penguin


Lachlan Parker

I had heard previously that you make content years in advance, but now I see the extent to which they were right. I love the utter madness that is your dedication to what you love. I have, as people say, "mad respect" for you. Always have, always will.

Lachlan Parker

Time feels weird for most people these days as it is. But if you have ADHD like me, even if medicated, it quickens and slows randomly, almost like a weight on a spring in ever-changing gravity. March feels like two days ago, yet December feels like multiple years into the past.

Jose Molina

this is a good game, the potential is amazing


suddenly super excited for the 17th in particular!


Time flies when you're having fun, but wtf, June already?! This month is definitely looking like another winner, does "Obsessed Yandere Traps You With Her" being the favorite means Dude will make it a little extra goooood, just like you did with the werewolf girl and gothgirl addictions? (As if you put out anything bad) Excited!


I wish 😭 I was a bit cocky and have managed to successfully plan 1 year ahead with some events along the way in the future but actually having the content produced and made? Not quite 😅 It's always the hard part, planning is the easy bit LOL!



Lachlan Parker

Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. You’re still doing a hundred times better than most people that I’ve met ever have. Even though I may sometimes sound surprisingly mature for 21 years old (been that way for a few years), I am still definitely a cocky little shit at times. Also, I have “Executive Function Disorder” as part of my autism, so I’m unable to follow through with much if someone else isn’t pushing me the whole time, despite being ambitious. Even my own YT channel attempt got abandoned after just a month or two. So yeah, don’t critique yourself on that so much. It’s not as bad as you may think. I have that much confidence in your determination and abilities. Also, sorry for being nearly 28 days late. I somehow missed this one exact Email despite my best efforts. I’m really, really sorry about that… 😢😰😞