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Premise: One day, government agents stop you on the streets and turn your world upside down. You are told you have superpowers, and have to go to a special school for others just  like you. They do not take no for an answer. Fast forward to your first day of education, before leaving one of your classmates stops you. She wants to show you something. 

I've been having fun messing with hypno plots. I am being cheeky cause I know youtube can basically limit and supress the videos but it's so fun. Reminds me of when I wanted to do hypnosister but then the new ToS came out and destroyed my plans :( 

I know some people prefer my written work but these predone scripts are a great rest for my brain! As well as I'm not very well verse in hypno so I'm best to leave it to the professionals :P 

Script: u/dibokucres

Artist: [Deleted]




I remember that hypno sister🤣, I swear didn’t it get nerf’d a bit to get on YouTube cos how lewd it was?

Kees Prosser

I love this and would love more 🫣💕

Takashi Komuro

Would you be able to re upload the one of the sister who mindcontrols her brother to act like a dog and tries to find a lead and ends up getting fucked by him


I was going to start it but then Youtube rollled out a new ToS update :(


"Artist: [Deleted]" You moonlighting as a hitwoman? Nice audio Dude, I do enjoy these hypno plots when you do 'em and whether it's your script, someone else's script or instructions on..I'unno..how to mod a 3DS, they're all just as enjoyable when you read them, :)


Nooo I commissioned this artwork over 2 years + now and when I went to check who I got it from, their account just isn't there so I have no waay to credit 😭


Ooooh, it actually sounds more fun that he's aware but helpless against it. This was fun, tingly, and soothing all at once! Great work still, even if it's not your script!


I'd like to know more too, anywhere else you can upload them? 👉👈


I’ve heard this script a couple times but I always enjoy when you do them more! I can’t wait for the sequel in the series


That was amazing! I'd love to see more hypno stuff from you.


Ahh, this was the artist you were talking about in earlier posts, gotcha. Tis a shame, I was thinking you could rock a two piece suit...maybe not the shaved head bit though :P

Darth Zayexeet

PSA: Don’t listen to this while driving or operating heavy machinery. You don’t want to fall asleep there. Even short micro sleep can have major consequences

Penitent one

Hypnosis is something that peaked my interest a while ago so it's nice to see you dab in that theme! And frick YT for robbing us of some good ass content 😩


They really don’t like the idea of mind control, ironic innit coming from them 😂

dustin G

Hypnosis stuff is one of my favorites! Sad youtube always interferes with the creativity of artists. Let people cook.


This was great and a fun idea, thanks DTL


lol Sexy Babadi, nice. If this were to become a series I could see us having a Vegeta moment where we outright refuse an order because of our pride, break the hypnosis, then come to find out our superpower is ye old mind break via the one-two dick fu. xD My how turns would be tabled.


yay, hypno content! For somebody not "versed in hypno content" you do very well at it, whether it's this, the hypno sister material, or Yandere Nurse Tingles You Brainless (still gave a lot of hypno vibes).


I really like this script. I'm glad I listened to this while walking to work, it gave my time to kind of mull her over in my head. It's easy to look at her and see this villainous character that's just running out of control, but the reality of her situation forces her into immoral actions, and that's really interesting. What she's doing is wrong, but... What else is she supposed to do? If she lets everyone know what her power is anyone could bully her while trivially avoiding hypnosis. If she just doesn't hypnotize people ahead of time it takes too long even if they don't know she has hypnosis if they're intent on hurting her. She could try only hypnotizing the known 'bad' kids but it sounds like she already tried that and it didn't work. So she can be good or she can be safe. There's no in between.


You could probably pass for a professional hypnotist

Jose Molina

This was nice, cute premise


This was fantastic. I really enjoyed the concept and you pulled it off perfectly DTL!!


Didn't expect a whole powers thing with the story from the title, very nice


"Unfortunately, you are only affecting one of many of my 'fingers'. Although I don't remember all of my abilities, I do remember my other 'fingers'. I've been many people, if you can call some of them that, and this is my newest one. I look forward to the story going forward. I only have this 'finger' in this reality, so I can't do anything against you anyway." Outside of RP stuff, this was a good audio.


I'd definitely be interested if stuff like that could be uploaded somewhere else, even if it's paid content 👀

Lasagna Zone

I would love to see a part 2 of this!


Ha what a compliment considering I'm a complete noob at it lol!


You already mastered that cadence which is both relentlessly penetrating yet soothing and inviting at the same time - from your acting I guess


wait i'm neutral on hypno but thIS IS AMAZING 👀 secretly devious girl surprise hypnotizing you and getting mindfucked completely at her mercy? soooo good (nice job on the back and forth/the mind-speaking editing too!)


Now I want a whole series


This was great. I love hypnosis. I just wish there were visuals


Finally got the chance to give this a listen and WOW! I think you did amazing! The few parts where "trigger words" were used had that hypnosis like feel, especially with the added "in your mind" voice effect. And in the later eye contact hypnosis, you even managed to replicate that feeling of going under and back up repeatedly during fractionation. Kudos to the script writer for all the little details and well written script. With your calm, soothing voice, I think you could easily do actual hypnosis stuff. With training of course.


Yes I defo want to research it more and get more experience with the genre!


We need a ploy twist where listener discovers they also have mind control powers. Turnabout is fair play, after all. This was very nice and relaxing.

Kronk's Stronk Stonks

Can't quite tell if the character portrayed is supposed to be really seductive or if that's just me being fucked up, which feels kinda fitting for a mindfuckery audio ngl. Awesome editing too. Really elevates the already great script and performance.


It's weird - some hypnosis things I can listen to and some I get triggered by. I'm not quite certain what determines which is which. This was well done but I couldn't make it all the way through, even hoping that it'd redeem itself at some point, and won't be listening again. The theft of agency and the implied unwilling control and ongoing bullying triggered me pretty hard. NOT your fault, at all. Your delivery was well done. I know this is meant to be a fantasy and nothing like reality and some people like it. Like I said - dunno why some trigger me so hard and others don't. Up to this point, I've just trusted all of your audios and just listened to them so it was a very unpleasant experience to be hit out of left field by this one. Again, not blaming you, just expressing why this got to me. It'd be nice if there were trigger warnings in the description, though, so anyone who might be caught off-guard could avoid listening or be ready for it. Thanks for all you do, regardless of whether the audio was my cup of tea or not. Really do appreciate 99.9 etc. % of your content.

Unsc Helljumper

Would love more hypnosis stuff.


Hey I hope this doesn't come across as rude but what kind of trigger warnings would you look for? Just the title does say mind controls, hypnosis roleplay ect. Unless I've misunderstood? :c


Not rude at all and I hope I didn't sound that way, either! My thought was a warning related to the unwilling nature of it but you're right, "mind control" is not usually a willing thing and should have been enough of a tip-off. Hypnosis can be willing and negotiated but negotiated mind control would be a pretty big stretch. I didn't think enough about the title. Apologies, my reading comprehension .exe was apparently not functioning and I replied without enough thought.


Small add, I really wish I knew what set me off on this audio and not others. Hypno Sister? No problem. Vampire Thrall? No issue. This one? Triggered and upset. Whatever squirrelly part of my brain that caused that is the issue, here, not the audio or your work. You do great work - the audio is really well done, the parts related to the act of hypnotizing the listener, especially.


This is goddamn glorious! You say you are a noob, but your improvisations were a huge added value, and your pacing, cadence and tone are flawless. And I would give an arm and half a kidney to find out how you did that vocal effect on the "sink". It's absolutely amazing!


It may have been related to the plot, in this one the writer wanted you to activly try to resist. Where as my other version you are pretty much willing and it's happening because I am making it so! Don't worry it wasn't rude. I have a lot to learn in the world of hypnokink so I am open to crtitism so I can improve! :D


Hypnosister still sounds awesome, maybe on another platform?


I was able to resist the hypnosis for a long time, and also become aware of it. I think I can find a way to break its hold.


I'm not sure if anywhere would let me monetize it unfortunatly, never say never though maybe one day!


That’s true, it’s tough getting it monetized. so many places are so strict. I’ll keep my fingers crossed though 👀


If I may add something here Dude you are right about the pushback but there was something almost frightening about how relentless you are. It’s like quicksand. You act friendly and give a little when you feel resistance but then you come right back even more relentless than before. You are relentless in your desire to dominate. Like a predator. Like waves in the ocean. You can handle a few be eventually they will swallow you down. I also experienced a little of what Vodyinoi did although I kind of liked feeling trapped by you.


This has legit Makima energy. If only I could look into pretty eyes with this!


Have you considered doing any out and out hypnosis content? You have an excellent voice for it and I'd love to hear it in the future!


Great audio however having the villain/bully win sometimes leaves a bad taste in people's mouths.


I'll never say never, I do admit I have to get more experience and knowledge about this subject :3

Da Guy

Would be awesome if an animator would partner up with her project to make visuals for some of the audios.