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After approaching a younger woman at the library, you notice she's looking at some questionable things. Something inside you takes over and you can't help but feel you can turn this situation into a good one... 

Art: etivart 

Script: /u/easterncboard




The Fantasies about in the library.

Fake Name

This is certainly ... well produced content lol. I'm sure a certain percent of the community is happy for this upload.


Gash damn, dem deepthroat noises of your's are always the bomb. 😳 Huh, guess I can add complimenting someone on their ability to fellate a sex toy to the list of things I didn't think I'd do. And you know what they say, "with age comes experience" ..or was that, "with age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes first"? Lol I'unno, either way, top shelf stuff, thanks 👌.


When my friends ask me where the Patreon payments come from i say "you don't wanna know, but it's worth it" Am I the only one who'd love for her to talk a little like this in the irl videos? 👀

Benjamin Rodriguez

Dude picked up a copy of The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, didn't she?


Nothing like a new DTL audio to give me the motivation to get through another day of work. Very nice work.


Honesty thought it'd be creepier, but it's pretty wholesome by the end.

Mary Lamb

Ugly Bastard time.


It's always good to read a book and the best thing to take is some nice Vitamin D.


I became what I swore to destroy


canonically, this makes the listener an australian.


Didn’t want to do a creepy vibe so glad it didn’t come across that way!!


This was GREATNESS!!!


Well, we do have an aging population and some potty mouths. As for libraries, as far as I am concerned, I'm borrowing the book, but I'm stealing the knowladge, 😈