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This is a follow up to the very VERY early Wholesome Video of a Monster Girl Under Your Bed! That was too nervous to spook you!~ 

This will be turned into a video and uploaded all at the same time as the original >:)

This one is very visual novel so I'm gonna copy and paste the script. Enjoy~

Summoning My Old Cheeky Demon -

[You are alone in your room, casually studying. You can hear your mother fumbling about before she leaves for her night shift. You feel content. The rain starts to pitter patter on your window. You are reminded of an old friend. One you haven’t seen in a while...]

Mom: *knocks* Hey sweetie. It’s a treat for dinner today as I woke up late from my nap before work. Sorry pumpkin. Mommy loves you lots, I’ll see you in the morning. Don’t stay up too late now. (She kisses your forehead and leaves in a hurry)

Classic mom you think to yourself. Pizza for dinner and a fruit cup so I can’t complain. Bottle of Fanta too. Mom really does try her best. You focus on studying once more. Ah the memories of your old friend go through your mind. How you never called her back. How she never experienced rain before. Should you do it? Should you summon the Demon back into your life again? Will she be mad that so much time has passed? There’s no time like the present… you repeat her name three times. Hypnos… Hypnos… Hypnos. Isn’t something not supposed to happen? (You hear a loud ruckus outside your room - you open the door. She’s at the bottom of the stairs… ouch.)

Well that was certainly a wake up call! I really need to work on my summongs huh!

(She looks so grown up now!? What on earth happened? It’s only been a few years. Isn’t she not supposed to age slower than me since she is demon spawn after all?)

Well don’t look so shocked, you gonna come down and pick me up then? You remembered my name so surely you must be happy to see me again? (You scurry downstairs and help her up) Ah. Not going to lie, that kind of stings. I thought you forgot about me. I was worried so when I heard your voice I kind of rushed into the summoned and didn’t quite accurately pinpoint my landing. Lesson learned. If there’s a next time, summoning me on ground floor level would be greatly appreciated. You erm… wouldn’t happen to have a bandaid or two huh? [She takes your hand and waits for you to lead her - you take her to the bathroom]

I can’t sense any other presence here. You’re alone? [She runs the tap and wets a cloth. She rubs over her wounds from her fall as you explain your mother left for work.] Oh alone once more just me and you. You’ve certainly grown up. I got some experience too

ya know. I’m not as shy anymore. I… hmph what’s the word. Matured… yeah I’ve matured. What about you, are you bigger? *giggle* You seem it. How old must you be now? Ah. I thought as much.  Ah that’s one is a big owie. Wanna put the bandaid on for me? Mhm that’s better. I don’t get injured often now that I think of it. Seems like I’m the reason I get hurt more than anything haha.

Well will we go back to your room. You never really said why you summoned me. [Your bedroom door creaks open. She flops down on the bed] Ahh I forget how nice it is being in the mortal realm! I love it so much and this bed is so comfy. Oh what’s this? A plushie. I love it so much. I wish we had these kinds of comforts back at home. Ah it squeaks!

[She sniffs the air... ] W-what is that smell? [“My dinner?”] Human… food? [“It’s pizza, you want a bite?] Pizza? Oh… I heard a lot about this. Do you mind? Ah… oh! I like this! Why- it’s really tangy what’s the red stuff I thought it was- [Don’t say it and no it’s tomato sauce.] You say tomato I say tomato. I’m kidding. This is really good though what else do you have? This?

[Don’t shake it.] Can I have it? [You need to twist the cap, the plastic at the top - No don’t use your teeth!] What, my teeth can handle it. Oh why does it sound like that? It goes pshhhh. Listen listen! [Yes it’s carbonated, it has bubbles in it.] Oh let me try. Ah! Woah that’s sweet like overwhelmingly sweet that’s so good.

[Well I’m glad you enjoyed it. If you like really sweet things. I have something that’s pure sugar for you.] Oh oh oh a treat for me. [Close your eyes and stick your tongue out.] Hold up, you want me to and I quote “Close my eyes and stick my tongue out. How naive you think I am. What’s the big idea? [Just do it...] Hmph… ahhh….

(You pour pop rocks in her mouth) Oh oh oh wait wait wait what’s happening ahhhhh I love it I love it! I’m so glad you summoned me back I can’t believe how fun it is being with you. It’s making me salivate so much though… [Just keep your distance and keep your tongue in your mouth] Wait why, is it weird. Am I offending you… hehehe… [Why are you looking at me like that?] (She wrestles you to the bed, licking your ears) Hahahaha… submit to me and my unbeatable strength for human you shall quiver before me! [Why do I like this?] Eh eh it’s good right? Anyway enough of that. It’s erm nice to be myself for once. I guess I’ve changed a lot since that last time you saw me. I’ll try to act more proper. I see you’ve grown into a very handsome young man. Why erm… did you summon me again?

[It’s raining, I have hesitated to summon you for a while but I dared to do it and here you are.] The… rain… that’s right. (She opens the window) Can we… go outside? In it? I remember last time, you said it doesn’t hurt people. You just get cold in it and people don’t like it. They don’t like getting wet. [You nod your head, she takes your hand once more. You lead her downstairs and out the back yard.]

Well… no time like the present. You’ll let me keep holding your hand huh? [You walk forward with her...] Oh… (She giggles in excitement. Then she is quiet, just breathing. Her eyes are wide. She rests her head on your shoulder. You wrap your arm over her.) [You both just enjoy the moment. The rain pouring down from the heavens above. There’s no need for words]

(She sneezes) Ah… that’s not good… oh I think I’m shivering. I didn’t expect it to be so cold. M-maybe we should go in?

(You head up back into the bedroom, you grab a towel and wrap her up in it to dry her off) [Maybe not my best idea. Are you susceptible to temperature? Maybe that’s your weakness] I am used to much warmer temperatures.

[A bath it is. I’m home alone so you can spend as much time as you like in it. Come on, let's warm you up.] Oh… well that does seem like a good solution. Sorry I really wasn’t thinking I just kinda can’t believe you mentioned what I said about the rain. It’s really been a while since our first encounter yet you seem to act like it was yesterday.

(You run the bath for her, adding bubble bath as well.) [How could I forget such an encounter. It’s fine. I'm glad I was able to give you a chance to explore rain.] (She begins taking her clothes off) [Woah woah woah slow down. I’m not supposed to...] Wait wait I don’t want you to go though. Can you maybe just look away until I get in. [Ah sure...]

(You slump up against the wall. The room is nice and warm. She is humming away to herself. Slowly playing with the water. Life is good. There’s a demon in my bathtub and I wouldn’t have it any other way)

I do not check my scripts for spelling mistakes so enjoy *dabs* 



Will definitely listen to this later before slumber

Kronk's Stronk Stonks

Okay first off, I adore that that video is getting follow ups. It was super cute. Dont really want to think about how long ago it was uploaded though... Secondly, if you feel like spelling errors are common when youre typing stuff, I HIGHLY recommend Grammarly. Free version acts as an unobtrusive spellchecker that not only fixes spelling but grammar and sentence structure errors too. It basically acts like a teacher peeking over your shoulder as you type stuff, underlining things as you go in red and offering the correct way of doing things. Like most word processors have in them but actually good. Paid version is presumably optimal but the free variant does what I need it to do so I've never tried it. Not an advertisement but goddamn it made such errors a thing of the past in my life.


She starts singing the Ratatouille song thing at the end. I immediately recognized that.


Oof looks like we were found out

Mr Ghostly

Where part 1 doe? 🤔