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Livestream tomorrow at 3PM CDT. Be there or be square! We are checking the patreon suggestions back log so you can know exactly what's coming up next! 

TLDR at bottom!

I have officially finished all commissions, me oh my that was a little uncomfy and tricky however we made it out on the other side! I unfortunately do have to reiterate it's very unlikely I will open up commissions anytime soon. I simply am not a creator that can produce content very fast. So your patience is very much appreciated. If I would give an estimate on when they would be open again I would say over 6 months and there will be rule changes to what I previously offered. I'll speak more about it when we come to that stage though!

You might have noticed it's only really lewd audios recently, that's because I'm doing collabs with 12 other VA's. This time it's 1 on 1 videos. I'm writing all the plots and doing editing work so they take time to produce however I do have some exciting news... I might be getting a wholesome editor. Do you know what that means? More content for you guys to enjoy. Of course I'm not just hiring anyone and they will edit to the same standard as myself. I wouldn't do that to my little froggies no no <3 

I have a new wholesome channel. I was demonetized on the original one for 3 months now. First month for sexual content so I removed any flirty videos. Second month for links so I removed all links... third month... no reason given so it was back to the drawing board I'm afraid. You can find my new Youtube Channel here which already has 7 new uploads on it! More content coming very shortly on it and I did an ASMR livestream which I thoroughly enjoyed and may happily be doing more. 

If you noticed, I have a VTuber model coming out. You can take a peak of it here ! Now just warning you for those hardcore Vtuber fans. I'm not really so deep into the lore and how it all works. I using this as a means to play video games and do livestreams. Sorry if that's disappointing but I'm not looking for collabs with other VTubers and such. That's just not quite how I operate or am comfortable with. I've already had a few interesting DMs and with all due respect. I don't know these people and they are asking to come on my stream...

TLDR Finish comms, they are closed. New wholesome channel. New wholesome connect coming + new editor. Vtuber model almost finished.  


Johnny Tightlips

You have earned a break little pup, you work so hard and we appreciate you x


You are the greatest


what about last months bruh licks audio.